By Mick - 20/02/2009 08:29 - United States

Today, I saw an elderly man fall in a crosswalk, so I jumped off my bike to help. As I helped him across, the light turned green. I then watched across a 6 lane street as someone stole my bike. FML
I agree, your life sucks 864 097
You deserved it 94 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MJD_fml 0

Altruism is selfless concern for the welfare of others. Take comfort in the fact that the reward for your deed is internal. Externally your phone and your bike were only material objects which can be replaced.


u realise that if the OP was run over by several cars they would either be dead or passed out from pain right

his phone was run over by several cars idiot

mcgugs 0
UsualSuspect_fml 0

354- you. are. illiterate. and my speling is epik. yeh.

bh0p 0

Bike. N***a done stole my bike. N***a stole, n***a stole, stole my bike! Bike bike bike!

Keem_74 0

Congrats. You've been promoted to President of the Idiocy Comittee 353. Respond if you can read this.

And this, friends, is why there was only one good Samaritan.

skyenoelle 15

I guess doing the right thing doesn't come with any rewards?

As the saying goes: No good deed goes unpunished.

You are quite possibly the first comment on the most popular fml ever.

It does more than just 'suck', it shows what society has come to now.

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The_Moustache 6

It's not just a right. It's a responsibility.

grmnxsensati0n 4

that dude should be ran over what a ****** stealing a loving man's bike...

GrantBingham22 4

Oh come on OP, these types of things happen all the time!

Yea I'm so pissed! I still never got my damn bike back -Steven

Bodgie 9

Do you usually sign your last name on everything?

MJD_fml 0

Altruism is selfless concern for the welfare of others. Take comfort in the fact that the reward for your deed is internal. Externally your phone and your bike were only material objects which can be replaced.

raymm 1

My brains... AAAGHHH THEY HURT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chaosinferno 4

What the hell is your issue that is expensive stuff that lost your a dumbass

Chaosinferno 4

What the hell is your issue he just lost a lot of expensive stuff that now he has to replace your a dumbass

Expensive = costs a lot of money. Money = buy food. Food = survival. Without money, you cannot legally survive in an organized society, dumbass.

you people are shitty human beings. yes, you do need material items to survive into a real society but I seriously doubt he's going to starve or anything without a bike.

Yeah he can always get a new phone and new bike. But what if he had tuff on his phone that is irreplaceable? Just because he can get new things doesn't make it any better of a situation

It still sucks for him! But I agree

God bless you for helping when no one else would. Whoever stole your bike stole it from the wrong person.

president_benson 0

that's about as true a FML moment right there. Sorry dude.

carebear 0
Jmhusky53 0

Poor guy/girl, but you know you did the right thing!

Yea but looking at the symbol right at the top of the page is obviously much too difficult.

Or she's on a phone and can't see the gender

lol #19 - I agree! However, this sounds almost too bad to be true. But if it IS true... ****. Your life is... ******.

I know it's no consolation, but at least tons of people on the internet feel your pain and truly appreciate what you did?