By Anonymous - 05/11/2018 22:00

Today, my dad is refusing to let me marry my fiancé because he said no when my dad asked for a loan of £10,000 to help clear some gambling debts. Apparently that shows my fiancé has poor family values and will be a bad father and an alcoholic husband. Impressive logical thinking there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 627
You deserved it 344

Same thing different taste

Top comments

latervirgins69 8

If you don't mind me asking, why do you need your father's permission to get married? Is there anyway you can get married anyway?

Emma Marshall 19

You don't need his 'permission' anyway. You're an adult. I hope


latervirgins69 8

If you don't mind me asking, why do you need your father's permission to get married? Is there anyway you can get married anyway?

I doubt that someone who asks for a 10k loan from the future son-in-law to pay for his gambling debts would be any help in paying for the wedding....

135dragon 2

Some cultures require the parents' permissions for marriage before they can get married.

Emma Marshall 19

You don't need his 'permission' anyway. You're an adult. I hope

Takes one to know one. If your boyfriend has $10k to spare, just elope. Love conquers all, even out-dated traditions.

Supprisingly it isn't your fathers decision who you marry. If you love him, marry him.

Marrying someone for love is a bad reason. Marry someone because you want to live with him/her for the rest of your life, building your life together and making him/her your number one priority. And everyday you'll love him/her a little bit more than the day before, and it's only at the end that you'll be able to say "yes I loves him/her". Oh and by the way (s)he has to think/do the same.

That is what I intended to briefly summarise there 😂. Much better reasons for marriage there though 😂

Marrying someone because you love them is a bad reason? I can't even fathom that kind of backwards thinking.

You don't NEED your father's permission to get married, but it is stressful for him to not support you and talk bad about your fiancée just for not giving him ten grand. I hope this doesn't hurt your love life, OP. What are your fiancé's thoughts on this?

Phil 14

I'm thinking that it's your father who has the bad family values. I give your fiancee props for not giving your father the loan. He got himself into debt, foolishly, let him get himself out.

TomeDr 24

It sounds like your boyfriend has a lot more common sense then your dad does.

TxKitten79 10

Um... if you are an adult, your dad can "refuse to let you" all he wants...and guess what, you can still get married!

Marry. Him. The FML community gives you permission. Not that you need anyone's permission. He has financial sensibility, and the backbone not to get pushed around or taken advantage of. Your dad, on the other hand, needs to seek help for his gambling addiction. I hope to see a follow-up from you some day saying you've married him, and your dad's gone through a gambling addiction program.

I don’t get the alcoholic part, but if he won’t help your father, he won’t be a good father. That part of his logic is airtight! Tell your dad he just needs to gamble better!