Gross, dude

By Anonymous - 06/11/2018 03:00

Today, I took my date home for sex after quite a long dry spell. As he took off his shoes, I was hit right in the nose by the most disgusting foot odour I've ever encountered. It was so bad I forgot all about sex and threw him out. That was 3 hours ago and I can still smell it on the carpet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 145
You deserved it 527

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you can say you two started off on the wrong foot 😃 I’ll show myself out....

Fire is the only answer. You have to burn it all.


Fire is the only answer. You have to burn it all.

If the smell is so bad it's still around after three hours, the only acceptable place to move to is Venus.

PenguinPal3017 19

Now that's what I call a sticky situation!

I guess you can say you two started off on the wrong foot 😃 I’ll show myself out....

sourgirl101 28

If his feet were that bad that you can still smell them 3 hours later, I’m sure his booty hole was just as smelly. Soap and water are everyone’s friend. Especially during dry spells.

Your dry spell mustn’t be too long. If you were really horny, you would have found a way to power on past the smelly feet. Of course, who knows what his dick smelled like! That could’ve driven you to celibacy.

Peaches1914 13

Fungus? Diabetes? Or gangrene? Also may suffer from a lack of smell which is a medical condition May be suggesting a Doctor visit might be merciful