By mrboston - 01/09/2009 23:44 - United States

Today, my college roommate whom I've never met moved in. Good thing I wasn't completely naked, playing with myself on the couch when he walked in. That would've been awkward. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 643
You deserved it 43 231

Same thing different taste

Top comments

[Cont.] I hope you winked at him and moaned out, "I thought you should have a taste of the next year of your life" as you finished, got up, stroked his face, and shrugged on your robe.


10th! and yeah, that wouldve been akward..

Dunebuggy569 5

Hey, at least his parents wernt there with him helping getting moved in. That would have been reeeal akward.

I love you #1. plain and simple love you. XP btw, u deserve it. look at a schedil.

lilmisslovely13 15

yeah, good thing. so where's the FML if you weren't doing that?

he is being sarcastic, he actually was doing that

Junkie_Razor 20

^ Looks like it. Maybe it's her official FML profile or a guy with a thing for young girls.

That would've been their biggest blunder without a doubt!

hellokittywhore 0

I agree i thing the wordings what made it just that much funnier!!! lmfao and #1 made me laugh really hard!! you rock


Awesome, Dude, FYL! But there is lesson to be learned... There is a time and a place to play with yourself :P

why would you do that in the first place? ydi for being naked on the couch touching yourself when you knew you were going to have a roommate.

obviously he didn't, and the ops room mate shouldve knocked

You're a master at breaking the ice, OP. Congrats! I should invite you to some parties as a topic starter for cute girls.

I see you are drinking mountain dew have fun lowering your sperm cout.

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Sweej 1

YDI for being a complete and NOT funny retard..

thtnerdykid 0

Wait, So If You Didn't Do That, Why Is This An FML? idgi [This Comment Is Sarcastic]

[Cont.] I hope you winked at him and moaned out, "I thought you should have a taste of the next year of your life" as you finished, got up, stroked his face, and shrugged on your robe.

liveBabylon 0

I'm a girl...I'm straight but this comment turns me on ahaha

#49: Me too haha I love the way this FML is written

I don't see what your being straight has Ro d with anything, or why you said "but" before making that statement. OP is a guy...

I would have been so unbelievably disgusted if I were the roommate... Probably enough to switch rooms.