The Punisher

By Anonymous - 01/01/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I found out that my daughter uses visits to my house as punishment for her kids. “Do as you’re told or we’re going to grandma's house where you’ll be bored for hours.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 498
You deserved it 233

Same thing different taste

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Then make it less boring. Have board games around, pay a ps5 with VR, go out with them to fun places. You can't just expect kids come to an empty house and randomly have fun looking at the walls

And tell your kid she’ll have to work harder to torture her children.


Then make it less boring. Have board games around, pay a ps5 with VR, go out with them to fun places. You can't just expect kids come to an empty house and randomly have fun looking at the walls

And tell your kid she’ll have to work harder to torture her children.