By fianceeless - 21/01/2011 01:15 - United States

Today, my extremely superstitious girlfriend called me and said she couldn't make it to the date I had planned tonight. Her reason? "I sense something horrible is going to happen." I was planning to propose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 624
You deserved it 3 933

Same thing different taste

Top comments

andrysb24 5

that does sound horrible! j/k OP sorry things didn't work out the way you planned

damn if dats not coincidence I don't know what is


andrysb24 5

that does sound horrible! j/k OP sorry things didn't work out the way you planned

pwincessa23 1

maybe something else was gonna happen. I'm sure you can propose some other time. sorry if you went out of your way to plan something really special. I hope everything works out for both of you.

plan for a different night. if it happens again she don't wantchu. Aite. okay then problem solved. what's next?

whatup360 1

consider yourself saved from a bad marriage

it's not always that simple actually it's almost never that simple

shsftbl61 0
Achall91 17

Why are superstitious people not allowed to get married? I don't understand your comment.

zivlaks 0

she sensed she needs to go on a date with someone else :)

damn if dats not coincidence I don't know what is

XxKyttixX 0

haha well maybe she was right.

well maybe she had a feeling you were going to propose and in her mind, that is a horrible thing because she doesn't want to marry you. Or to make you feel better, just think that maybe something horrible was gonna happen.

Or she's just irrationally superstitious...err wait, all superstition is unfounded. Besides, how is marriage proposal ever to be defined as something horrible happening? Awkward, unfortunate, or undesired maybe, but that's a far cry from horrible.

I would find it horrible. It doesn't matter what the answer is, it will change the relationship, and I hate change. My answer at this very moment would be 'I don't know', which would make my partner frustrated, which would make me frustrated...if it's unwanted, then a proposal could be horrible.

My idea of horrible when someone gets a 'feeling' is death, terrible injury, being mugged, etc. Otherwise she's just the trivial psychic.

fthku 13

I agree, except the being mugged. That sucks for sure, but not horrible. And relationship wise? Not horrible as well. Bad wind between the two, some edginess for sure, but not horrible. There are a lot of terrible things in this world, and a relationship that's going through some edgy times isn't one of them.

hahahahaha is there a chance she knew? sorry op but shes either not gonna say yes or shes crazy superstitious. either way run!

freckles92 0

I'm sure you can propose at a later time. maybe something else was going to happen that she ''sensed''