By BambooLove - 15/07/2010 06:53 - United States

Today, my boyfriend woke up wheezing terribly, aching, and sneezing. He's allergic to cats. I have 2 and they are my babies. He gave me an ultimatum, him or the cats. I haven't figured out how I'm going to tell him that I choose the cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 071
You deserved it 65 905

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tell him to get allergy medicine then u can have both

swgipe 9

Bravo for keeping your cats! It's nice to see at least one person who won't dump them just because their bf is allergic.


good for you. a guy can break up with you, but cats are stuck with you

Yeah youre going to me one of those crazy cat ladies

It's not fair for either of you to have to give up something or try to force a relationship to work through a situation like that. You obviously like cats or you wouldn't have any, so to ditch your cats for a relationship that may not work in the future? Not fair. It's better to break up than to get rid of animals that you like now and will still like years into the future, because people change but animals don't. Have him get on medication and clean your apartment, otherwise probably for the best to part ways.

I chose my boyfriend over my dog a few years ago. The boyfriend didnt last but the dog did, but the dog is so used to his new life with my friend that I can't bear to rip him from it and take him back. I'll never choose a person over an animal again.

I'd rather die then get rid of my cats. he can **** himself.

K_Roxxie 0

I'd choose my pets over my boyfriend if I had to.

zacharykyle 0

cats suck. def made the wrong choice.

govsuks 0