By My_Cow_kiM - 28/04/2009 23:05 - United States

Today, I told my mom I'm severely allergic to my cat and that the doctor told me it would be best to get rid of the cat. Somewhat jokingly, I told her it was either me or the cat. She chose the cat. She was serious too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 454
You deserved it 5 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you're a minor and still going to school, that's sad but if you're like 30, living at home and paying no rent... clearly the cat should win it all depends...

#3 that's ****** up. You can't make people choose over two things they love. Most of the time it will backfire at the person saying it.


I'm so sorry to hear that. That sucks. I hope things'll get better for you soon.

Some of these just sound fake and repeated to me.

Yeah and then the OP responds and gets upset that the readers are calling her mom a terrible person and mother. Like, what did you expect?

reminds me of a Dane Cook joke. I love that ******

#3 that's ****** up. You can't make people choose over two things they love. Most of the time it will backfire at the person saying it.

if you're a minor and still going to school, that's sad but if you're like 30, living at home and paying no rent... clearly the cat should win it all depends...

yes, #4, because its SOOO hard to choose between your own offspring and an ANIMAL that can be adopted by somebody else...mmm... i wonder what the rational choice is....

#6 I know what your saying, but in this world it doesn't always work out like that. Some people just choose an animal over a human being.

#6 and the others who bitched that you shouldn't pick an animal over a human: It doesn't matter, because the OP is an idiot for giving such a stupid ultimatum. Once I told my dad that he had to be nice to me or I'd call social services and they'd take me away. He replied, "Is that a promise?" Of course, my dad was joking, but the point still stands-- don't say stupid shit like that to parents, they're far cleverer (I know it's "more clever", BTW) than you are. the way, my dad was great. He was trying to make me do the dishes and I was being a whine-ass. And as for me? Don't make me choose between my cat or you. I don't care who you are, my cat will win.

First of all, I hope you live alone, and will never have kids because putting your cat that high on a pedestal only leads to bad things. Second of all, if you knew it was "more clever", you should've said that in the first place because it makes you look dumb when you spend more time typing that you know the correct form INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY TYPING THE CORRECT FORM. Third of all, I recommend you leave the house more often. :) Good Day.

lobstar 0

If you're over 18 I'd choose the cat too.

No_Effing_Way 0

Sorry to hear that but...Bright side: There's always allergy medicine! I'm highly allergic to cut grass and live in a rural area. So, I live day to day off of allergy medicine!