By annabellebyebye - 16/08/2009 15:18 - United States

Today, I bought a kitten. I've wanted a cat for years and decided to finally buy one now that I have my own apartment. It turns out I'm allergic to cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 888
You deserved it 10 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wouldn't you be aware of that allergy BEFORE you got the cat? You've never had allergy tests done, or gotten a stuffy nose when you were around your friends' cats? I suggest shots if you want to keep it. Either that, or zyrtec. Zyrtec (allergy medication) is WONDERFUL. I'm (supposedly) allergic, and I don't react to my cat at all.

Shock98 0

so get some allergy medicine.


cherrypieguy 0
fwertyh8r 0

aw that sucks. BTW, what does OP stand for?

yaintime21 0

wow. you didn't know you were allergic? smart...

americayay 0

It makes sense that she didn't know she was allergic. I mean, if she's never had a cat, how would she? OP, you could try some medication and see if that works. Hopefully it's not too bad.

it stands for "original poster" referring to the person who wrote the fml. in this case, that would be 'annabellebyebye'

cherrypieguy 0
unkinged44 0

ydi for buying and not a life!

Everybody who keeps bringing out the line about adopting rather than buying: Where do you think all the new-born animals will go if people suddenly stop buying them? That's right - SHELTERS.

harlehatschi 0

i'm allergic to some cats, but my own cat doesn't give me hayfever or anything. she has very long, thick fur, so maybe its cause the flyaway/shedded fur don't get in my eyes or in my nose. maybe you could look into getting a maine coon?

As if you didn't rub your face on it first, that's how you test boobs to see if they're any good =D

Shock98 0

so get some allergy medicine.

One_In_Three 24

It's not called being gay, IT'S CALLED BEING FABULOUS!

I got the first vote but forgot to comment first

fatass123 0
KiSsKiZzy 0

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Cats a bundle of sticks?! Well you learn something new every day!

shouldn't you have known this before you bought one?

Wouldn't you be aware of that allergy BEFORE you got the cat? You've never had allergy tests done, or gotten a stuffy nose when you were around your friends' cats? I suggest shots if you want to keep it. Either that, or zyrtec. Zyrtec (allergy medication) is WONDERFUL. I'm (supposedly) allergic, and I don't react to my cat at all.

pinksprankles 2

Lol that sucks but no offense its not really FML worthy. Get allergy medication or an allergy shot or something.