By Wawawiwa - 21/07/2010 23:44 - Namibia

Today, my boyfriend was going down on me. After removing my underwear, he started singing "In the jungle, the mighty jungle..." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 815
You deserved it 53 750

Same thing different taste

Top comments

haha, your bf is awesome, stop complaining

my comment never showed ip :( I was first too D: anyways, all my comment was was "the penis sleeps toniiiiight" ;)


Inconsiderate boyfriend. It's one of those things you laugh at later though. And shaving or not is your choice, don't let the comments section on FML pressure you (or anyone reading it) into anything. Like with everything else, society gives people weird ideas about their body.

If guys expect a girl to go down on them, having never shaved or trimmed down there in their life, then why do they get disgusted if a girl doesn't shave either? So much hypocrisy.

sharklover2017 11

Omg wtf?! if you KNOW your boyfriend is headed down there, you better groom up and be clean. that's rude if you don't. even if I'm having sex, I make sure I'm well groomed and clean for some fun time. you're gross..

cadillacgal79 32

I'm not sure what to vote for this, but that's funny as hell.