By Lisa - 01/10/2012 21:09 - United States - Bayside

Today, my boyfriend told me that the main reason he was dating me was because he was intimidated by pretty girls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 070
You deserved it 2 348

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

Tell him the only reason you're with him is because you're intimidated by big dicks. Bazinga!

Dump him. WAIT! Before you thumb me down. With that attitude, the relationship probably isn't going anywhere. So why stay in it?


Damn Mean Girls, intimidating everybody with their burn books and pink shirts and such. That's soooooo not fetch, dude.

unknown_user5566 26

"It's like I have ESPN or something!"

olpally 32

I like that movie... Lol... :D

who let kitkat out of the cage again?

i once had an ex who admitted he was only dating me because my best friend who was a year or so younger than me was considered jail bait, at one point he even asked her if they had a chance! giys can be suck douche bages, sorry op

megusta3 5

At least we can spell properly.

lmfao that i guess is true, but i also didnt say ALL guys, and sorry that outta that whole reply i wrote one word wrong....

auto correct actually doesnt work for me on this site for some reason... lol so my appologies for my speeling eerors! haha

unknown_user5566 26

59- Hate to break it to you, but there was more than one error.

lol thanks, i noticed that after the first comment lol, thats why i wrote the second one.... but atleast it was readable. :) coulda been much worse right?

SApprentice 34

81- Dear God man, are you that completely incapable of typing without autocorrect? You should not be relying on autocorrect so heavily that you can't function without it. The technology is stealing your mind- you have to fight it.

109, I have dyslexia and spelling is terribly difficult for me. I could not get by without spell check and auto correct. I don't know what jrjmoon's excuse is, but it could be a valid one.

ok guys obviously you didnt notice that i spelled error and spelling wrong on purpose to prove a point, i know how to spell lol i just type faster then my phone can keep up with (yes i have a shitty phone) and dont proof read everything i send but my point was whats the big deal you guys obviously know what i meant to say

Sorry muzy, I just wanted a break, and misinterpreted the sign.

If he was trying to get over his fear- then that's sweet.. If not.. He can go fly a kite :)

Wow somehow you made his statement somewhat uplifting, then I realized no he's just a douche. :/ your super sweet though!

JessicaR92 4

Wow I really have to say this but leave him no one should be able to put you down. You are strong keep that in mind. You right one will come and find you extremely gorgeous. He disrespected if that was me I would have broke his nose and left. What a jerk.

perdix 29

People don't realize what a blessing it is to be plain or ugly. They say "Hot girls have problems, too," but no one gives a shit about them. Everyone thinks they have everything and don't want to hear it. Smart guys are in the same boat. I propose that hot girls get together with smart guys (like me, for example ;) ) so we can support each other.

lardinmybum 1

"Hot girls have problems too, they're just like you, except they're hot..."

unknown_user5566 26

You've got a point, perdix. If I had to choose, I'd much rather be plain than intelligent, and same goes for my partner. Besides, as the years go by, superficial beauty fades as beauty on the inside blossoms.

unknown_user5566 26

Meant plain and intelligent, rather than simply beautiful* I hate Monday's...

perdix 29

#63, or the superficial beauty fades and the ugly interior rears its ugly head. Yeah, that happens, too.

unknown_user5566 26

Ah, too true Perdix. Touché.

The outcome of an incredibly attractive person mixed with a freakishly intelligent one would be overbearingly intimidating :O. And to kyleekay, your not plain your gorgeous, and obviously have a brain! Your that force! Haha

This is worse for him than you. He has to date an ugly girl because he's too intimidated around the pretty ones. Hell, if a hot girl was intimidated around hot guys and so dated me instead I'd be pumped. You're the winner in this situation.

unknown_user5566 26

It's definitely worse for OP. She was just told by someone she cares about that he doesn't think she's up to his beauty standards. If he wants to date below his standards, that's his choice. I don't feel one ounce of sympathy for this guy.

Sure, if you look at the negatives. But try to be positive. If looks don't matter: It doesn't matter that you're not attractive. If looks do matter: You managed to date up, you win. Sometimes you just have to be positive. I put a lot of effort into making things look positive, because otherwise almost nothing would look positive in my life.

There's nothing there to imply he's hot. He could be ugly.

It's not about looks but about the fact that he's not with her because he loves her, but because of his insecurities. Sometimes it's better to just improve the situation than try to find positives in a shitty situation.

The main reason that he's dating her is that he's intimidated by pretty girls. This implies that he'd be dating pretty girls if he wasn't intimidated by them. This implies that pretty girls would date him, this implies that he is hot (or possibly rich). If the main reason he isn't dating pretty girls is that he's intimidated by them, that means he wouldn't have trouble getting pretty girls to date him. If he was ugly the main reason he wouldn't be dating pretty girls would be that he's ugly, him being intimidated by pretty girls would only be a tiny side-reason, not the main one.

Who said OP's boyfriend was hot anyways

I didn't see the other comments. That was for 54