By seriously?! - 11/02/2009 16:51 - United States

Today, my boyfriend told me he was going to take me out somewhere special, so I called in sick for work. Turns out he had made reservations for the restaurant I worked at. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 033
You deserved it 8 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

infantrygirl 0

Um, okay. Rule of thumb: NEVER take someone out to eat at the restaurant they work at. sheesh.

OMGyoupeople 0


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infantrygirl 0

Um, okay. Rule of thumb: NEVER take someone out to eat at the restaurant they work at. sheesh.

I feel like she called off without him knowing but if not, that's pretty idiotic

Hahaha! You should beat him with a large piece of glass because of that.

OMGyoupeople 0
dreamofme 0

He didn't know where you worked? That sounds like a communication problem... =/

Man what a dipshit. Your boyfriend. Not you.

bsaucedo 0

dumbass boyfriend, i work in a restaurant and i would never ever go to my own work to eat.