By red button - 11/02/2009 19:24 - United States

Today, my entire family sat down in the living room to watch the video I recorded of my sister's graduation from college. I never pressed record. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 657
You deserved it 43 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

honestly you watch that video once and never again. so it sucks but at least it wasn't a wedding video or something like that.

You know there was a teacher who forgot to press record for an educational program to show to his pupils... The track he forgot to record over just so happened to be him ******* his neighbours dog... True story.


honestly you watch that video once and never again. so it sucks but at least it wasn't a wedding video or something like that.

That's an easy mistake to make, so don't beat yourself up about it... #4 is right

yes yes but what nobody takes into account is the fact that your sister is really plexico LOOOOL

Oh sucky poop...sounds like what happened to me. i accidentally erased my sisters entire graduation, because i was trying to watch another video on the camera......My sister didnt even a chance to watch it..haaaaaa..ahh...

**** sisters and graduations they're both shitty and annoying

I'm guessing you A) Had an older or younger sibling who got more love than you did B) Weren't hugged enough as a child C) All of the above

myu_fml 0

Good one, I think I would of been killed after this kinda scru-up.., it's a total fail anyway :D:D