Connecting people

By sam - 02/12/2020 23:01

Today, I learned that the person my ex-girlfriend left me for is my ex-girlfriend from before her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 941
You deserved it 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OrySoma 11

man if that isn't a threesom opportunity idk what is

Assuming the gender icon is correct, I guess you have a type, and that type is lesbian or bisexual... Good luck with that...


OrySoma 11

man if that isn't a threesom opportunity idk what is

Wadlaen 23

I don't understand. If I cared enough, I'd sit down and draw a graph of this, but I just don't.

Assuming the gender icon is correct, I guess you have a type, and that type is lesbian or bisexual... Good luck with that...