By Distressed - 11/02/2009 15:51 - United States

Today, I received a packet of papers in the mail by the state suing me for child support. I am 22 and still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 664
You deserved it 3 563

Same thing different taste

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still a virgin, wow, that is quite a feat these days, congrats, most people lose themselves in highschool, so tight

griffin3 0

Im still a virgin im 37 keep your head up


Must be someone else with the same name? Paternity test!! lol

Epic_Phale615 0

The legal system for this shit sucks, by the time they get it settled he'll be a star in the new move "71 year old virgin" :P

examancer 0

Well, at least it sounds like you have a solid case... but you still have to go to court and probably retain a lawyer. You life sounds pretty f--ked right now.

still a virgin, wow, that is quite a feat these days, congrats, most people lose themselves in highschool, so tight

I've seen 12/13 year olds get laid. (Not child **** FYI... just I'm 16 and know a 13 y/o who got laid.)

griffin3 0

Im still a virgin im 37 keep your head up

JustinKingr 0

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nothing wrong with being a virgin. although I lost mine when I was 16. but I still think its not a big deal

#3: 12(b)(6) is dismissal for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted. And the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure only apply in federal courts. The state is probably suing in state court. Depending on the state, mail service may be perfectly appropriate--the only overarching requirement is that the service be reasonably calculated to give notice, and mail service is (especially if certified).

Um you don't need the entire first sentence for this to be an FML, 22? Really?