By Anonymous - 12/08/2009 02:05 - United States

Today, my boyfriend sent me a text saying to call him. When I did, it went straight to voicemail. It was a recording of him breaking up with me. He broke up with me over the phone, without even talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 797
You deserved it 3 283

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stupiidx3 0

wow. with a boyfriend like that. who can't even just tell you he wants to break up and has to do it doing all that stuff. you deserve better.

Wow, that sucks. Though I must admit that's a pretty clever way to break up with someone.


glassjaw_90 0

I love this breakup technique the guy has done. Sorry, OP. People who are so upset with the ex and who do not think he is clever, just remember, he's a normal dude. Breaking up sucks anyway you slice it.

haha yeah, let him sweat and pretend like nothing happened :)

Starpom_fml 6

Nice idea !! I write it down xD

Laid2Rest6661 0

LMFAO!!! Thats the exact same way I broke up with my girlfriend once. Misty, is that you?

Are you sure your not delusional and that you girlfriend isnt one of the characters out of pokemon?

the_commentator 0

@41 win. :D OP, that honestly sucks. Sure, it's creative and kind of funny -- sorry! -- but you don't deserve to be treated like that. Just move on and forget about the coward. There are plenty of other fish in the sea. :3

I don't care if your boyfriend broke up with you, if you're going to post a story here stop posting this shit, at least make original . . .

foryoublue94 0

I kind of want to say YDI for getting a shitty boyfriend. But FYL, that guy's stupid.

Xdanicat 0

Imagine if someone else calls him. They'd hear the same voicemail. Damn, that would suck. Everyone would know he dumped you over voicemail.

if he`s going to break up with you that way, you deserve better.

What goes around comes around. If he is truly an ass he will eventually get it for the way he treats ppl.