Put a tiger in your tank

By Anonymous - 25/02/2021 08:01

Today, a stray cat climbed up into my car's engine for shelter at some point last night. Guess how I found out this morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 973
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I remember a guy hearing a strange noise from the car, popped the hood, and saw a kitten resting on the air filter. They adopted it and named it Carburetor.

becuase it meowd till you let it out? cat must of been so freightened


Shredded bits of fur and cat flesh flew from your heating vents into your face? Let me know what I've won. I love guessing games!

becuase it meowd till you let it out? cat must of been so freightened

I remember a guy hearing a strange noise from the car, popped the hood, and saw a kitten resting on the air filter. They adopted it and named it Carburetor.

giraffe_poop 8

Whew, the kitten got lucky. It was probably grateful to the family for saving it.

If you know strays are around why don't you check? I hope it wasn't hurt

Warp1978 15

Because if I checked everytime I wanted to leave the house I'd never get anywhere

You could easily say the same thing about any wildlife. Do you check the hood of your vehicle or wheel wells before you go for a drive? If a cat could get under a hood so cold a toddler, especially in the wheel wells of a car

giraffe_poop 8

...over here with popcorn waiting for the answer 😂

DoctorPALO 14

I hope in the future you'll always check before this happens again.

And this is why you always check under your hood or at least honk your horn with your keys before staring your car in the cold.