By Anonymous - 27/04/2009 21:47 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of two years, who is a fabulous guitarist and singer, told me he wrote me a song. I was so excited. Turns out it was a break up song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 889
You deserved it 4 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a huge bummer. At least he was creative.

dorkchildgoesbla 0

Awww, I'm sorry ): Cute way to ASK OUT a girl. Still cute for breaking up, just more...sad.


At least there's one drummer getting laid tonight. Of course I am assuming, like most women, you are insecure and will **** anyone that remembers your name and gives you a wink.

tdawgheath 0

You say he's fabulous, but i bet he sucks like all the other boy bands you listen to.

Thats what i plan to do someday ^_^ On the bright side you put it here so people can have humor in a completely not funny situation right? I hope the song was at least GOOD.

at least he was creative and gave you something memorable to end it.. i'd say props to the guy, if he is as good of a musician as you give him credit for, for makin a song to end a bad relationship easier than talking about it. in fact, i might do this next time

That dude is a tool. If God had meant for people to break up face to face he wouldn't have given us text messageing.

MukyDaCookie 0

"Oh Stacy can't you see, your mom is the girl for me!" That would suck if he really did leave you for your mom. Cause then, your mom would be a cougar