By Anonymous - 27/04/2009 21:47 - United States

Today, my boyfriend of two years, who is a fabulous guitarist and singer, told me he wrote me a song. I was so excited. Turns out it was a break up song. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 890
You deserved it 4 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's a huge bummer. At least he was creative.

dorkchildgoesbla 0

Awww, I'm sorry ): Cute way to ASK OUT a girl. Still cute for breaking up, just more...sad.


That's a huge bummer. At least he was creative.

That's a huge bummer. At least he was creative.

You must be Taylor Swift, and this FML must have been your inspiration for your song "Picture to Burn."

You must be Taylor swift, and this FML was your inspiration for "Picture to Burn"

dorkchildgoesbla 0

Awww, I'm sorry ): Cute way to ASK OUT a girl. Still cute for breaking up, just more...sad.

Hey did I double post guys? It looks like I did on my screen.

kathyFTW 0

at least itwas actually meaningful. besides like a text msg break-up.

At least he put lots of effort into it and did it face-to-face, unlike some of the other breakups posted on this site.

your boyfriend is my hero. That's gonna be me someday probably... sorry though. That sucks, but so do relationships in general.

Hey is it showing that I double posted on 1 and 3 for anyone else? I really glitched out somehow.