By tj - 26/08/2010 04:11 - United States

Today, I had to confront my boyfriend after finding a girl's phone number next to my bed. He said I was over reacting. When I told him it was over, he asked for the number back so he could call her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 617
You deserved it 9 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you broke up with him over it? damn. I would have asked for it just to piss you off.

perdix 29

Why do you have to be so clingy and paranoid? Why do you assume he was going to cheat on you behind your back? He was probably just trying to organize a lovely, little threesome for all of you. Jeez, what ever happened to old-fashioned romance?!?!


Prepared for what? He couldn't hide a number, nevermind cheating. :)

prepared for back-up in case they broke?...idk lol

Ydi for overreacting. Just because he had the number doesn't mean he was going to use it. Maybe he forgot to throw it away. Why do you care if he wanted the number back so he can call her? You broke up with him.

Y_U_19029 0

well your boyfriend should have read the teams blog about cheaters.

next to your bed or his bed? ..or is it a bed you share? that "my bed" part confused me );

rallets 22

ydi for overreeacting. have fun finding somebody new while your ex is porkin' his new girl.

InvaderVader 0

well if you weren't being such a bitch

Or the number, for all she knew, belonged to a relative. She overreacted.

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krissy8877 2

either way he shouldn't have the number. guys know that they'd do the same thing. if he wanted to call the girl when they broke up... then break up first

who says the girls not a friend he ran into, there's atleast a dozen numbers laying around mine and my gf's place, hers are guys mine are girls, way I see it, if she's happier with someone else, have at it, she can be replaced just as easily as we got together, most of the girls I know are either ex's, or they wanted me but I was taken or vica verca. getting jealous over things you don't know is meaningless. if your un sure, ask believe it or not you normally get the truth

ellenmellon 6

Overreacting doesn't always coincide with being on your period. Just saying

You can't have him so no one can? That's fair.

and did you give him a chance to talk? yes alot of guys are assholes like that but it could be a valid reason that he had her number with no altierier motives.

dudeitsdanny 9

Ulterior. Not a nazi, just an educator in the making. Anyways, agreed. I get numbers from girls sometimes and I just forget to throw them out until I wash my clothes or empty my backpack. I would never cheat on my girlfriend, I just couldn't care less about these numbers so throwing them away isn't a priority. Next time ask him for an explanation and calmly analyze his reaction. No need to jump to conclusions: Now you're alone and on FML. They get you nowhere you wanna be sometimes.

dodo97 0

so how is this a fml u broke up with him!

It's called....... (Puts on sunglasses) Backup YEEEEAAAHHHHHHH!!!

CheezeDetector 0

I think you're being tooo paranoid ... it couldve just been plutonic or maybe she was a friend in need ... in need of dick, or balls in her mouth in plutonic fashion ...

Action_Bastard 0

I like how you think, good sir.

It's platonic. :x sorry don't bash me for correcting.

dudeitsdanny 9

Maybe he meant like the dog Pluto.. It was a bitch of an affair, and OPs boyfriend a dog.

The power of female intuition ... it hits the mark some of the time ... :)

And I hope you didn't give it to him. Some girls are dumb enough to do it.

11 why shouldn't she? SHE broke up with HIM why the fucc should she care who he wants to call now? and btw OP YDI

awildwhisper 30

Who thumbed down David Bowie????????!!!??? >:(

Coccinelle_fml 15

Sounds like you were overreacting.