Tradlife blues

By Anemity_is_my_name - 17/05/2021 00:01 - United States

Today, I wish I could go back to living alone in a van, sleeping, eating, and showering in the truck stop that's near my job. I've tried to be a model husband and father for over a decade, and am left depressed, and exhausted. I love them all just enough to not actually abandon them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 048
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

You should definitely talk to your partner about how you’re feeling. If you don’t feel ready to do that, maybe a therapist first to help you figure out how to approach it? It’s awesome that you want to support your family, but you deserve to be happy too. Maybe there’s a way to have both!

Yeah I honestly don't know how anyone does it. I struggle with work/life balance as is. I can't imagine also adding kids and a wife to the mix.


Yeah I honestly don't know how anyone does it. I struggle with work/life balance as is. I can't imagine also adding kids and a wife to the mix.

nyoot 9

The idea that you have somebody to come home to that loves you is probably the main thing. I don't know, I'm still single. At 34.

ojoRojo 27

You should definitely talk to your partner about how you’re feeling. If you don’t feel ready to do that, maybe a therapist first to help you figure out how to approach it? It’s awesome that you want to support your family, but you deserve to be happy too. Maybe there’s a way to have both!

careful about telling the wife though, :( she will probably get really sad about it and it'll end up being you having to support your wife through you not being okay.

justwanttobesocial...butalsonot 9

Try to find a good therapist 💜

DoctorPALO 14

"Just enough not to abandon them?" If you're as unhappy as all that, they can sense it and it will affect them too. If you want to live that life, get a divorce and pay child support. Again, you aren't doing them any favors if you're that stressed out and unhappy.

Dont try and be perfect. Youre putting too much pressure on yourself. You are allowed to fail, you are allowed to feel, you are allowed to have times when you need to lean on others. You dont have to be the 'model' anything. Be the best person you can be without sacrificing your own well being. Most of all, talk. Dont keep it in. Take care and good luck

It gets easier. Maybe once the kids have moved out you could ask your wife if you can sell up and move into 2 RVs parked next to each other, you could still have your space but with your wife.