By Anonymous - 12/09/2015 20:50 - United Kingdom - Brentwood

Today, my boyfriend convinced me to face my fear of horror movies by promising to hold my hand through the entire flick. He fell asleep 10 minutes into it, farting and snoring in his sleep, whilst I was paralysed by fear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 987
You deserved it 3 669

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Must of been a hell of a fart to paralyse you

Why didn't you try to wake him up and leave the theater?


But was he still holding your hand in his sleep?

BeenIt 5

Well you should've turned it off by the 11th minute. You deserved the terror!!

TallMist 32

Once you get interested in a movie, you almost have to see what happens next... so even if OP was scared, she might not could make herself look away. Kinda like most people do when they witness something gruesome in real life.

True. I've heard it's not that uncommon for someone to be morbidly curious about dark/scary/gruesome things. So while they might know that a gory scene would give them nightmares and so don't usually actively search for them, they have trouble looking away if they happen to pass one. I'm guessing she just succumbed to peer-pressure, and underestimated the paralyzing effect of fear combined with human fascination of the morbid.

why didn't you just turn it off? or perhaps wake him up and leave where you were?

The dramaturgy is higher in this post than the horror movies. "Hun, I love you, and to show that...I HOLD YOUR HAND TILL WE GET THROUGH THIS VALLEY OF FEAR" *10 minutes later* *zZzzzZzzZzz bzzt zzzZzz bzzzt...* how romantic

how is watching horror movies a fear? the whole point of it is to scare you! so it is not a fear

cynthianicole95 9

I'll be down voted for this but I just can't understand why a fictional, completely made up movie can scare you so much. I watch horror everyday and literally have nightmares every night and I'm still not scared. I think you need to fix whatever the root of the problem is.

Because the mind isn't always logical. I also have no problems with scary movies, but I also understand not everyone is so lucky. My mom has a phobia of spiders, she can't even see a picture of one or she freaks out. Fears of clowns are illogical really, but very common.

You deserve it simlpy because you sat there watching it while he slept. Turn it off, leave, or wake the b*stard - all viable options that don't leave you watching a movie you didn't want to see in the first place.

TallMist 32

Please look up the definition of paralyzed.

So not sure if this has been said but why didn't you just shut the movie off?