By Anonymous - 27/11/2010 05:57 - Australia

Today, my boyfriend confessed that he felt so insecure he submerged my $80 vibrator in water to eliminate the competition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 319
You deserved it 15 558

Same thing different taste

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I really wish people would get a clue and stop comparing sex to vibrators. They're two completely different things that give different form of stimulation. Toys are not replacements for actual sex.

CoachLlama 5

Headline - "Jealous lover tries to drown competition after getting bad vibe."


Vibrators arent water proof :O well YDI for not investing in a water proof one


is this the same guy from the other FML who was vibrating during sex to become better than the vibrator?! I guess he lost so he killed the winner out of jealousy.....=)

CoachLlama 5

Headline - "Jealous lover tries to drown competition after getting bad vibe."

without our penises you wouldn't have a vibrator. be grateful lol man created the *****. not woman. show us some love

49 and 53 ftw. oh and I think the plural form is penii jk

@41 Wrong. There ARE waterproof vibes.

darlinqqbella 0

They're THAT expensive? Jesus. Thank God I won't ever have to spend $80 on one.

XxAngel77xX 0

So your life is fawked because you don't have a vibrating piece of plastic to insert in your genitalia?

Sounds like a lame vibe anyway, the best ones go on the clit, not inside. Don't take away a girls' clit stim! That's bad mojo right there.

dakins 0

there lots that r more expensive going into the 1000's

dakins 0

check " the big list of the world's most expensive s''t* I no the "best" one is +2gs

Battledog5006 0

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Zombie65 0

why be worried? go buy her one and use it with her she'll love you for it

Dude, when it comes to vibrators, if you want the silicone ones or well made plastic ones that are actually sanitary, don't break within the first two months and won't zap you, you have usually pay between $40-$160 for them.

(and I mean 40 for the really basic, plastic egg vibes for one's clit - anything fancier or insertable and the price jumps a lot)

mine was $25, and it's five-speed, discreet, and %100 waterproof.

I think it's time to dump him! What a weirdo!

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Draminicaus 0

I dunno guys. It didn't say anything about a "new" $80 vibe. My assumption was that she probably had a long dry-spell before she met her current guy. Long enough to feel the need to buy an $80 happystick. I'm just taking guesses, though.

I agree with 63 I'm having a long dry spell now and I would consider spending 80 dollars for a new friend. and for 80 dollars I wouldn't trash that new friend for some boyfriend.

... My fiancé got me a vibrator. It's not an issue of making your partner insecure, it's an issue of having a toy to please you when your partner can't for some reason or to use it as a foreplay option. Jeez.

Mr_Zachary 0

For $80 you would expect it to be somewhat waterproof. YDI for wasting $80 on something so retarded.

I agree. Even my cheap $20 vibe is waterproof.

Well that's just funny. Good day to you, sir.

I really wish people would get a clue and stop comparing sex to vibrators. They're two completely different things that give different form of stimulation. Toys are not replacements for actual sex.

Fuhohohoho....sadly, that's probably true. It would be nice just the same, just to have more people with higher intelligence, even in the sex department.

ShadyFTW1 0

Yes Mirorbo I'm proud of you... You managed to make two whole comments without calling anybody darling. Nicely done.

Talia_91 13

I think it's the shock of an 80dollar vibrator. sex is way better then a vibrator why spend that much on something not as good.

Do you not know how to read, darling? Sex and toys are two different things entirely and give different forms of stimulation. One is not a replacement for the other.

Lady_Tahtahs 0