By xolaurennnn - 22/05/2015 15:55 - United States

Today, it was hot out, so I wore shorts. My dad took one look at me and said, "Your thighs are so pale, it's like staring into the sun". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 260
You deserved it 3 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RusticChick 27

There's always that awkward stage when shorts weather comes around. I had that same issue! I don't like going tanning so I blind the world until the brightness lessens. Lol. You're not alone, OP!


I hate this too, but there's a reason you wear shorts OP.

mmmxr 11

What? This made no sense. You just contradicted your self lol.

RusticChick 27

There's always that awkward stage when shorts weather comes around. I had that same issue! I don't like going tanning so I blind the world until the brightness lessens. Lol. You're not alone, OP!

I constantly get told pale I am, and I never hear the end about how extremely pale my legs are. My own doctor said I was "discolored" because of how pale I am. honestly, I don't particularly mind because I'd rather be pale than unnaturally orange-tanned.

Redoxx_fml 22

Well now you can get them tanned

how if her legs are apparently the sun?

MzZombicidal 36

At least you're working on it! I'm super pale myself and I get pretty bright when I go outside. Lol. Just be sure to use a bit of sunscreen to avoid getting a bad burn!

can someone please explain to me how this got downvoted I don't understand what's wrong with it

Zwerik 31

It's okay, at least he didn't turn blind. ;) Sorry, that was mean. Good for you for working on it OP, I should consider it too actually. :o

I would be more empathetic if you were Canadian. Or a Ginger.

There are places in the States that get as cold as Canada ya know, and how do you know OP'S not a Ginger?

Steffi3 40

Only one way to fix that! Don't let him talk you back into long pants, OP, it's too hot for those

OP, your body is beautiful, regardless of skin color.

If you're like the sun OP, at least you shine bright.