By doomed - 11/02/2015 00:00 - United States - Seattle

Today, my husband recited to me the name and model number of every single weapon in the game Doom, along with what they did and roughly where to find them. Last month, he forgot my birthday. We've been married for 6 years; he hasn't played Doom in at least 10. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 145
You deserved it 3 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments


19990231 29

Who has time for women where you have doom!

Women fine, but the ones you love you definitely make time for.

incoherentrmblr 21

To be fair... I can name every single Pokèmon in the Pokèdex on sight, along with its type, and can usually identify it by its cry too, but I'm terrible with things like dates. I always forget when exactly my best friend's birthday is, and I've known her since grade school. I think the only reason I remember my boyfriend's birthday is because it's nine days after my own.

you got alpha ruby. I could use somemore friends in that game.

Well, then you should have known his priorities before you married him.

He could've changed after the 6 years of marriage. Let's hope he fixes his priorities soon.

It's likely he just played Doom every day when he was 10 years younger. Between his younger brain and the constant repetition he probably created permanent memory of all of it. Meanwhile he doesn't have to state his wife's birthday every day and he's far decade older now.

He doesn't have messed up priorities because he remembers stuff from a video game rather than the wife's bday. Some people are just bad with dates. I will admit that he should maybe set the day on a calendar or something.

People never change their priorities though.

Well..Have you played doom before? It's pretty awesome..I'm just saying.

The person he loves is probably more awesome. Just saying.

ChristianH39 30

That was probably a joke. Just saying.

women have such unrealistic expectations from men... how am I supposed to remember your birthday when my mind is already so full of important things like model names, map layouts, sex line phone numbers, and where I hid my weed? it's crazy

PerditaDessa 38

You never know when you're going to need that BFG9000. It's completely reasonable that things like birthdays would slip one's mind.

Don't talk bad about doom that's a good game lol

That's a man for you so try not to take it personally. Ask him if he remembers when you're birthday is and he will try to make up for it for a long time!

You seem lost. I know the icons are the same color, but this isn't twitter.

KhaleesiDannie 26

Memory is a weird thing I can remember things from years ago when I can't remember what I did yesterday I'm sorry it happened though and he does need to make note of it for next year and make it up to you this year

I know. Can't remember birthdays but sure as hell remember the exact cheat codes to grand theft auto and conkers bad fur day

I have a horrible memory, especially with birthdays, so I completely understand how someone can forget that kind of stuff. However with that said, with today's technology and everyone having phones on them, there's no reason for op not to put the birthday in his phone with an alarm going of the week before (in time to get a gift) and the day of so he remembers to say happy birthday. The calendar and reminders in my phone have saved my life, before them it was sticky notes.

In terms of memory, birthdays are harder. You just have to accept that there are 365 days in the year and most of them feel the same as the last. There aren't a lot of tricks to commit the "average" ones to memory.

A huge gamer. You have to show him you're way more important than a video game. Remind him of all the fun stuff you guys do.