Dodged a landmine

By Anonymous - 23/03/2023 12:00

Today, my boyfriend introduced me to his mom, but she decided I was “unsuitable.” I hoped he’d be on my side. Nope, he just accepted her word as law, broke up with me, and pushed me outside. He'd driven me there, so I had to find a bus in a city I’ve never been to, in the dark, without a coat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 132
You deserved it 118

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tactical nuke successfully dodged! Pleased you found out before it went further


It was pretty bad, but not as bad as it would Have gotten… she would have been the wedge in your relationship because he has already proven that he would only taken her side.

Tactical nuke successfully dodged! Pleased you found out before it went further

He just saved you years of fighting with your mother in law over how to raise your kids.

Mommy sure didn't raise a gentleman... What mother would be OK with her son putting a girl in danger like that? She must be toxic as **** because she raised a piece of shit.

What the actual hell?! Okay, you dodged a serious bullet. He takes the term Mama's Boy to a whole new level. And he didn't even have the stones to drive you home? How old are you? If you're a minor, and his mother refused to let him drive you home, there could be some sort of child endangerment charge in there. If you're an adult, well, I guess you're SOL legally speaking, but it's even more clear that you dodged a bullet if a grown, adult man is letting his mother dictate him like that.