By cmore - 11/03/2010 01:10 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, when he finished, seemingly angry. He stood there naked complaining for 15 minutes about how our sex sucked. Then he demanded that I dress him because "it's my fault his clothes were off in the first place". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 029
You deserved it 5 640

Same thing different taste


I think your bf is gay if he thinks sex is shit haha

he should be thankful that HE finished. boys are always so selfish when it comes to sex. men, are a different story ;)

idk how people can be bad at sex.. it's not hard, if your one of those people who just lay there, make a little noise, say ohhh followed by his/her name a couple times and your good.

dump that douche of a bf. find sum1 better.

srwalker155210 0

Pick up your game. Any man who demands that his girl dress him is an outright living legend and deserves better than you.

well then dress him and go find a hooker and ask her for tips. next time you can blow his mind and his dick and he'll love you forever

@Monika I never said he needed a man.

Monikabug 9

@119 Oh, that was supposed to be directed at damien I think. Sorry about the mix-up. :)

I assume you left him naked, alone and single?