By ScaryBears - 09/10/2012 01:51 - United States - Trumbull

Today, I went out and made build-a-bears that looked like my daughter and her new boyfriend. It turns out she had been insisting that I didn't for a good reason; upon sight of his, her boyfriend screamed and fled the house. Turns out he was nearly mauled to death by a bear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 165
You deserved it 32 735

Same thing different taste

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

Why would you continue with a gift idea when someone is telling you not to? Granted, you could not have known the bear mauling bit. However, you seem like one of those annoying gift givers that buy things according to what YOU think a person should have.

nothing92x 13

I'm guessing OP couldn't bear the thought of not making the Teddy for both of them.


Valefor197 5

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She couldn't have known that he was mauled by a bear. However, she COULD have known that getting a build-a-bear for someone when you're specifically told NOT to, us in fact a bad idea. Also, I'd also like to know who "she" is.

TahoeFMler 22

True, however, her daughter told her not to do it.

It seems you and OP have something in common, #1. Neither one of you paid any attention to what her daughter said.

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100, if someone doesn't want something why would you spend money on them? You may as well flush a wad of cash down the toilet. When it comes to gifts the receiver always has a say no matter their relationship to the giver. OP's daughter said no. That should have been enough for OP.

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unknown_user5566 26

I was wondering that as well! Hopefully the mods fix it soon. Sirin, where art thou?!

probably referring to OP's best friend or enemy, because OP knew about thing wit her enemy's boyfriend! but 'her' is probably a close friend.

unknown_user5566 26

Why would you continue with a gift idea when someone is telling you not to? Granted, you could not have known the bear mauling bit. However, you seem like one of those annoying gift givers that buy things according to what YOU think a person should have.

That still seems like a really bizarre gift to give her "new" bf. ydi

sierra142 19

When specifically told not to do something, why go ahead and do it? I really struggled to make sense of this FML.

Same here. Don't know how it got past the moderators.

nancyschmancy 9
nothing92x 13

I'm guessing OP couldn't bear the thought of not making the Teddy for both of them.

Sorry but I couldn't help but notice Dudley as your profile pic. He was always my favorite character from SF 3rd Strike :3

Am I the only one confused by this FML?

Who?? What? I am so confused! I read this like 3 times and still didn't make any sense! =O