God is Dead 6: Electric Boogaloo

By Anonymous - 02/08/2021 21:01 - United States - Steele

Today, I finally mustered up the courage to tell my overly-religious parents that I'm an agnostic. They asked me why. As soon as I gave my reasons, my mom called me a "bigot" and hurled a bible at me, and it nailed me in the crotch. She then said, "That's what you get, non-believer." FML
I agree, your life sucks 890
You deserved it 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s a tough situation you are in. Religious nut job parents who don’t respect personal choice are just about impossible to deal with. It would have been easier to wait until you are out of the house before telling mom you don’t agree with her viewpoint. And now you have two choices - Either continue to fight the battle for independence or act like you are convinced by them and wait until you are out of the house. Neither is a very good choice. The fact that Mom called you a bigot and then threw a Bible at you is very telling. Obviously Mom is demonstrably a religious bigot herself; and from her supposed viewpoint sacrilegious for throwing the Bible. It just goes to show that bigots and hypocrites are quick to call others what they themselves are.


I'll bet your atheist friends laughed at that and said, "Come on all the way over to our side now, for Chrissake!"

Exactly, atheists don't worship Christ. Just some guy named Chris. He usually hangs out by the 7/11. Really chill dude.

I'd have her arrested and charged with assault.

That’s a tough situation you are in. Religious nut job parents who don’t respect personal choice are just about impossible to deal with. It would have been easier to wait until you are out of the house before telling mom you don’t agree with her viewpoint. And now you have two choices - Either continue to fight the battle for independence or act like you are convinced by them and wait until you are out of the house. Neither is a very good choice. The fact that Mom called you a bigot and then threw a Bible at you is very telling. Obviously Mom is demonstrably a religious bigot herself; and from her supposed viewpoint sacrilegious for throwing the Bible. It just goes to show that bigots and hypocrites are quick to call others what they themselves are.

My parents were the same way. Eventually I learned to just humor them and avoid the topic if at all possible. I would expect that you'll only bring more conflict broaching this topic, and they will never give an inch.

I’m religious (Jewish) and I think agnosticism is a perfectly valid viewpoint. You’re not sure either way and your mother is a bigot: she’s literally a Bible Basher. What I do have an issue with is atheism. I think most people are agnostic, but say they’re atheists. But for atheism to be intellectually defensible would require a knowledge of all “beings” who have lived or will ever live. There’s no other way to confirm that “God” does or does not exist. So until we die, the only being who could confirm whether God does or does not exist, is in fact, God.

You don’t have to be Christian to corner the market on religious intolerance as your posting seems to indicate. Being an atheist is as rational (or more so) as any other religious choice. As a Jewish person surely you have experienced some degree of religious intolerance - My Jewish wife has here in the Bible Belt. Why would you be intolerant of an atheist? It’s actually the most rational choice of philosophy - It does not require any “magical” proofs and is the simplest explanation for the world we experience. I would not call my personal viewpoint atheist, but at one point in my life I certainly leaned that way. To be an atheist is not to be against God or any other person’s religion. It is simply that in the understanding of an Atheist, there is no magical God or Gods required to understand how the world works. I believe that hostility seems to come from “religious” people who are so insecure in their faith that they cannot bear to hear anything in conflict with their viewpoint.

Hurl a dictionary at her, and tell her to look up the definitions of "agnostic" and "bigot". Then hurl a thesaurus at her for good measure.