By Anonymous - 21/10/2010 21:44 - Canada

Today, l was crouched on the ground in the doorway at a haunted mansion. It's part of my job here to scare the people passing by. A 12 year-old girl walked by, I grabbed her leg, and she kicked me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 978
You deserved it 41 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mattskii 0

I used to work at screamfactor, and we were not allowed to touch so YDI

What kind of haunted mansion are you working on? Every time I have worked in a haunted house or the like, they have made it a point to tell us to scare people WITHOUT touching them. It avoids incidents like this one and keeps them from suing you for unwanted touches. I'm going to have to say YDI for this one because there are so many better ways to scare people.


Hgielad_720 0
Hgielad_720 0
KingDingALing 9
pinkpillowz 0

I probabley would have done that to!

Yea your aren't supposed to touch them. Isn't that a rule?

In a haunted house you are not allowed to touch anyone. If you were grabbing people you need fired and deserved being kicked.

DesiGir324 0

I also thought you werent allowed to touch the people.... must be a fun job nonetheless. blocking out that little incident of course ;)

SleepyHead34 0

ur suppose to touch thm thts the point of scaring somebody whn thr walkin n thy dnt notice u, genius !! smh

YDI for crouching on the ground in the doorway at a haunted mansion. It's part of youe job there to scare the people passing by. A 12 year old girl walked by, you grabbed her leg, and she kicked you in the face. --------------------------------------------------- You had to go to the ER because you have a wimpy face.

#46 there's way to scare people without touching them. you idiot

Hgielad_720 0

my first thought was PEDOBEAR GOT REJECTED

the_flirtt 0

maybe the no touching rule is just for knotts?

1664beerbelly 0

ouch is right! something similar happened to when i worked at c cheese. share your stories at survivingu. com

xFalzz 0
Person000 0

you're not supposed to touch them but the good haunted houses do to make it extremely scary. I remember i was in a haunted house when I was like 10 or so a clown came around the corner with a clever knife and I accidentally punched his face.

86 - Nah, you're just not supposed to touch them. Lawsuits and all that good stuff. Think of it this way: Are you allowed to walk up to smexy peoples and touch them either? No, you're not.

the_flirtt 0

haha ya I don't know what I was thinking - 102

Unless you sign a waiver beforehand they can NOT touch you. haunted house enthusiast speaking.

TenderizeMe 0

Why would she do that, was obviously a joke and you were just pulling her leg.

RedJester23 6

I do know some places where you must sign a waiver to allow the haunts to touch you.The only thing I don't understand is that those waivers that you have to sign requires you to be 16ish, depending on the place. But anyways, that really sucks for you OP, but just so you know, this is a authentic pedobear rejection moment.

Well... judging by your location: if you're working at Canada's Wonderland for Halloween Haunt, you aren't allowed to touch the people anyways... however, if you're at Fear Fest in Niagara, that's an entirely different story! I love it there though! I can get really scared!

stephanie0613 0

Every haunted hotel, house, trail etc. The people that scare aren't allowed to touch anybody just yell or whtever and chase you. Op YDI for grabbing her and 46, you're an idiot.

lol I went to a haunted trial and yes they touch people they were adults, family, and/or friends. Also that was the one where a girl was hunched over in her costume and had to fallow us. I noticed her and said "hi" the other found her when she ran into the car she was suppose to disappear behind.

#46 you make it sound like you hide in a cupboard and then jump out to scare someone and start touching their face

bigblue95 0

good for her. now we know that she isnt stupid and she wont sit there while someone is attacking her. she is going to defend herself.

alsnyder12 0

and you DIDN'T see it coming?

Wow, you should be glad that you're not being sued. It's illegal to touch people in those things.

morgan06 0

ur not supposed to touch the people.

Actually, its not. But they can press charges since some people have actually had heart attacks from the fright. But really its all fair game.

macgirl21 0

thts not allowed, working at a haunted house/mansion/etc. your not allowed to touch anyone, an actually grabbing their leg would leave you open for a lawsuit

Jerzyginger74 0

Sorry but you almost have to expect that would happen. YDI for scaring kids for a living, lol.

TheDrifter 23

No it was what you did to them after you scared them that got you the time 65.

nygunns1 0

not really I was at a haunted house and someone jumped out and I punched him and knocked him out. I later learned it was someone in my grade lmao

Mattskii 0

I used to work at screamfactor, and we were not allowed to touch so YDI

cbroxs17 0

Your profile pic is creepy. Just sayin

Slim_Shadyy_fml 0

talking about creepy, have u seen ur profile pic??????

chogle 8

You guys must go to/work at some weak haunted houses. Everyone I know of around here, they're allowed to touch you. Hell, there are even some where you will be pulled away from the group of people you are with. Don't just assume that every single haunted house has the same rules dummies.

So, because you weren't allowed to tough at your job, the OP shouldn't be allowed to touch at their job? Of course, I totally understand. Idiot. ;-;

MyFirstKiss 0

i used to work at howl-o-scream in tampa

hurtandabused 7

That's wat I thought when I read it! U can't touch. That's the main rule. At universal they tell the customers they cant n wont

Certain haunted houses allow people to be touched.

"I used to work at one haunted house, so obviously I know every rile for every haunted house ever" dumbass

soysauce1208 18

people have reflexes ya know! ydi for grabbing her leg! what happened to a simple BOO!??

afroninjashuffle 0

boo doesn't scare kids anymore these days, gotta try different tactics. but still no touchy on the kids

airforcebound 0

thats the ****** approach, you know doin just enough to get by and to still get paid fyn

Ydi for touching ur not supposed to touch the people

fmlfmlc0de 0

rapists work there probably ;o

That's not always true. There's a haunted forest here where they grab your ankles. Don't assume it's not allowed everywhere just because the places you know of don't allow it.

Action_Bastard 0

THANK you, I thought that no one would... Oh my goodness, AND your name is Action_Bastard? :O You must be an extreme hit with the ladies. Shin Chan FTW.

What kind of haunted mansion are you working on? Every time I have worked in a haunted house or the like, they have made it a point to tell us to scare people WITHOUT touching them. It avoids incidents like this one and keeps them from suing you for unwanted touches. I'm going to have to say YDI for this one because there are so many better ways to scare people.

BnaLovesZsk25 0

haha good one ignorance. it means " you deserve it "

iGrenade 0
adorkable_spazz 0

haha Ignorance is awesome. i love reading her comments. [:

zeix 2

like saying im gonna shove my foot knee high up yo ass hole!

Hope you don't get done for sexual harassment, you pedophile!

DanielleD93 16
ifailplzinsultme 0

I bet you pulled her down, chained her to the bed and did your thing

fmlfmlc0de 0

u have such a perverted mind. besides how could he tie her to a bed ? there is none

ifailplzinsultme 0

haha in a house there is ALWAYS a bed

Is this really where your mind goes to? What the **** is wrong with you people?