By baddaughter - 16/11/2009 17:11 - Canada

Today, I called my mother who is vacationing in Florida with my dad and sister. Before they left I told them I would be very responsible and that they could trust me. The first thing she asked me is if all the animals were still alive. I said yes. I lied. Her favourite cat drowned in the pool. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 217
You deserved it 41 628

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cats can swim, how could this happen? They hate water, the only way I can see this happening is if the cat had a stroke, got hit in the head and passed out or if someone held it down. I hope it's the first one or you have some type of fruit or nut tree near the pool and something happened there, otherwise I'd be absolutely disgusted with you.


hotpockets92 0

she didn't say anything about a door being closed. well when they get back and she notices the cat's gone, tell her a cat burglar broke in :D

why didn't they take you? oh ya you probably drowned one of their other pets too!

ilovemeoke 0

if she killed one of the other pets before,why on earth do you think her family would trust her with another one?

OP lied because she didn't want her sis to be upset.

cactus_fml 0

Why? It's not her fault the cat was a dumbass and failed at basic cat things like balance and avoiding water.

m0tl3ycru3 0

Or the OP was neglectful in allowing the cat to drown

inb4 douchenuggets from PETA start commenting

Gavik 0

I'd find it a little hard to believe that the cat accidentally fell in on its own. YDI for fail.

Kuroftw 0

What #4 said. The only cat I've ever had that has fallen into my pool is half-blind and has terrible balance from an accident when she was a kitten. I call shenanigans.

My cat once almost drowned in my pool in the middle of winter. Our pool had frozen on top so he jumped up there and broke through the ice. Luckily we had the pool cover on so we didn't go under completely. All i'm saying is this sounds possible

Gavik 0

It wasn't frozen. She threw the cat in.

a1mostevi1 0

" I drowned her favorite cat in the pool" fixed

scince220 0

actually, you didn't... ignorant dumb ass

yeah..."favorite" is spelt wrong XD its "favourite"

jts2 3

Cats can swim, how could this happen? They hate water, the only way I can see this happening is if the cat had a stroke, got hit in the head and passed out or if someone held it down. I hope it's the first one or you have some type of fruit or nut tree near the pool and something happened there, otherwise I'd be absolutely disgusted with you.

They can swim, but they can't climb out. Even if there are steps somewhere, they wouldn't be able to find them.

actually, my cat climbed out of my neighbour's pool (my neighbour's kid was playing with her and she fell in) but I don't see how op's cat fell in in the first place

inground pool... they can just step right into it. we've had dogs and cats in ours. we sometimes have to guide them to the stairs, animals aren't used to looking for that.

Helenanobler 10

Not all cats hate water. Some love it. I know plenty of both.

jts2 3

*starts humming CSI: Miami opening*

fragmite 1

you mispelled favorite,drowned a cat and lied about it.f your life?

In countries that favor British English, "favorite", "color", "honor", and several other "-or" words are spelled with a "u". Canada favors British English, not American English. Way to be ignorant.

I believe that was meant to be a joke...

hornetchik 0
hornetchik 0

JOKE: "a humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter"

I'm saying the person intended it as a joke, not that it actually was a good one or told right. Gosh. You've never told an unfunny joke? The idea of that joke is quite funny, but the kid didn't deliver it right.

hornetchik 0

I don't really see how it resembles a joke at all actually lol, but maybe I just have no sense of humour...

It's supposed to be like, um... Guy 1 says, "Oh, I never watch you while I'm touching myself," Guy 2 might reply, "You misspelt especially." Guy 1 would then say, "What the hell? I didn't misspell that." And the joke is, Guy 1 really meant to say, "I watch you, especially while I'm touching myself." It's used for suspicious comments and statements, usually, where you say what you think really should have been said, to change from one point to another. I sneak it into conversations every once in a while. Do you get it now?

hornetchik 0

Call me dumb, but no. #9 said 'you misspelled favorite'. The word 'favourite' was already in the FML...

The joke is part is "drowned a cat and lied about it" not the spelling of favorite/favourite. Lets just drop it okay? I cannot explain any more.

Umm... That's not at all like the example you gave. If the person had of said "you mispelled murdered." then it would be like the joke you are trying to explain. The guy wasn't trying to make a joke at all.. :S

You shouldnt have lied. If it wasnt youre fault than you have nothing to hide, and if it was your fault lying wont help because the cat will still be gone.

wannabesinger 16

Why in the world is your pool still open? I find it hard to believe that a cat that's used to there being a pool there would fall in on its own

When my family had an above ground pool, one of our cats jumped off of our fence chasing after a bird and landed right in the pool. I was outside at the time so I managed to get her out, but we only covered it at night or when there was no one home. It's possible that the cat, like mine, was distracted with something else and managed to fall in and couldn't get back out.

I have a cat that actually likes water and will jump in the shower with people. I realize there's a huge difference between a shower and a pool, but still. Some cats aren't very smart when it comes to water.