By Anonymous - 10/12/2009 13:08 - United States

Today, it was the last day of finals. After sleeping less than three hours in the last two days, I got in the car to go to school. For a second, I thought my steering wheel, the gas pedal, and brake pedal were all missing. That's when I realized I was sitting in the back seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 009
You deserved it 14 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hobopatz 0

And then you drove in that state. Scary.

LOL, IT'S SO FUNNNY AND CUTE. HAHAHAHA. It reminded me of a incident when my friend was drunk and he said he needed to speed back home, the same thing, sat at the back seat, imagined himself stepping on the pedal and went like "FASTERRRRRRRRRRRR" . Everyone was like " He is soooooooooooooo drunk." LOL.


wow, this has got to be the dumbest FML in existence. I've pulled all nighters before, and it doesnt make you retarded. Not like this, YDI... Kill yourself.

So you thought the steering wheel, gas pedal, and brake pedal were missing, but a clutch somehow magically appeared in the backseat?

You know they make these cars now that are called automatics and don't use a clutch? Crazy, right?

#29 was making what's known as a "joke"

IndigoKitty 3

yeah yeah FYL because you watched this on an episode of simpsons and decided to put it on here.

Sleep depervation can you make you do CRAZY things. When i had my son I was so sleep deprived I once put a diaper on backwards and somehow managed to strap it on just fine lol.

if your honestly that tire don't drive. iv drivin tired b4 but not to that extent. bad idea.

Bob31_fml 4

because college professors are reasonable people who are happy to switch things around to accommodate the students. YDI.

its really strange considering you drive a motorcycle har har har.

palmtrees 1

This isn't an actual emergency, though. This is bad time management skills.