Nice day for a picnic

By litterbug - 06/07/2021 04:01

Today, I have to go to court to contest a bullshit citation I got in the local park. I’m pregnant and was picnicking with my kids when my toddler ran off. I took off after him, leaving my blanket and food. When I came back, the power tripping park ranger wrote me a ticket for littering. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 351
You deserved it 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Fight that shit and put in a formal complaint to his boss

Sounds like the best time to bring up a lawsuit for frivolous waste of tax dollars and your time.


Fight that shit and put in a formal complaint to his boss

Sounds like the best time to bring up a lawsuit for frivolous waste of tax dollars and your time.