By Anonymous - 24/07/2019 20:00

Today, I've had bad gas all day. In bed, almost asleep, I felt the urge to fart, and thinking nothing of it, I let it rip. It wasn't a fart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 529
You deserved it 431

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiny201002 8

You should never trust a fart lol

Looks like someone shit the bed! I hope you were sleeping alone at the time. Otherwise, you will be for a long time!


😵SHIT HAPPENS as it is said, I feel ur pain have done it several times even once had a fistula pop and absolutely destroyed a mattress and bed set 😭😕

tiny201002 8

You should never trust a fart lol

Looks like someone shit the bed! I hope you were sleeping alone at the time. Otherwise, you will be for a long time!

Nikki K 10

a wise man once told me...never trust a fart.

i8cake 12

should never trust a fart! especially if it's been happening all day! you were brewing that 💩!

*farts* "Ooooh, that's going to itch when it dries."

PolarBear2020 10