By Marie - 17/10/2012 05:16 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, it was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend. As we were about to exchange gifts, he got a call and said he had to go home immediately. What was the emergency? His guild leader couldn't find another healer to finish a raid and promised my boyfriend gear if he would step up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 143
You deserved it 4 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gree_fml 11

Sounds appropriate. Have an anniversary raid together!

SenselessPattern 12

They level up their....enchanting? Buh dum tss....


So get on and play with him? Do you know how hard it is to find a decent healer nowadays? What's so special about one damn day anyways.

His priorities are not straight. Not by a mile.

As a once-hardcore raider myself, who met my boyfriend through Warcraft? Yeah, NO. You don't bail on scheduled raids just because a friend called you up to go out, and you don't bail on your freaking ANNIVERSARY dinner for an unscheduled raid. Screw him, go find yourself a gamer with some sense.

My boyfriend will do the same shit to me. It's kinda annoying.

what kind of gear was it? some of that shit is hard to find! Lol but really, that sucks sorry for your luck op

Good healers are very hard to come across sometimes and so is good gear

Edo369 8

Hahaha sounds like me. No Jk. Not on an anniversary.

Therewhenneeded 16 a World of Warcraft player myself I know the rush of new gear but FFS. I never put the game ahead of something as important as an anniversary. Have a serious talk with him...and **** it, talk to his guild master too.