By Anonymous - 27/10/2017 06:03

Today, I purchased a cactus in a cute little pot and put it on my windowsill so it could get sun. Unfortunately, that's also where I have my alarm clock. Guess which one I grabbed in the morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 232
You deserved it 2 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If that didn't wake you up, then I don't know what will...

So, before you had your morning coffee, you had to start dealing with pricks!


So, before you had your morning coffee, you had to start dealing with pricks!

If that didn't wake you up, then I don't know what will...

I suppose that's one way to avoid hitting the snooze button.

I guess you then had the stinging realization, that the choice of placement was suboptimal.

Lobby_Bee 17

Now that's a wake up call I need.

Well, that's one way to wake up in the morning...