By Anonymous - 28/12/2010 06:21 - United States

Today, I found out that my mother in-law's flight home is canceled, and that she's staying three more days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 590
You deserved it 4 010

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sheilatakeabow 0

Just suck it up and avoid complaining to your partner, because complaining to them about their own family is just bloody stupid.


RachelBerry_fml 5

more like deep snow OP's mother in law probably lives somewhere on the east coast where there is snow everywhere... My Grandmas flight home got cancelled but she's coming home today ^.^

fakeaccountX 6
OochenSnoochen 15

take a fishing trip. that's what I do when unwanted people are over.

if ur in law is that bad, you know what to do in the dead of night when everyone is asleep... but if she's someone you can converse with, try getting to know her, she might not be that bad...

Sheilatakeabow 0

Just suck it up and avoid complaining to your partner, because complaining to them about their own family is just bloody stupid.

Who do you think has cried harder about this, Mother-in-law or son-in-law?

I've read a lot of things about in-laws. I wonder why it's hard for them to get along with each other?

LearnToPack 0

Your lucky. I work for an airline our airport hasn't been snowed at and people are stranded for week. You just gonna make them sleep at the airport?