By Marie - 17/10/2012 05:16 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, it was my 2 year anniversary with my boyfriend. As we were about to exchange gifts, he got a call and said he had to go home immediately. What was the emergency? His guild leader couldn't find another healer to finish a raid and promised my boyfriend gear if he would step up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 143
You deserved it 4 700

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gree_fml 11

Sounds appropriate. Have an anniversary raid together!

SenselessPattern 12

They level up their....enchanting? Buh dum tss....


Sounds like a cool guy. I would totally understand if my boyfriend did that, as long as I was invited over to watch, or he was prepared to reschedule :)

This is why I stopped playing and moved onto league at least I think I did I still remember my WOW acct.

My husband left my son screaming in his baby swing while I was in the shower instead of watching him like I asked because he was doing a raid and they "needed" him. Ugh.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Of my guild leader called me, saying they need someone for a raid I'd be online within a minute. But I'm single. If I had a gf she'd be more important than games...

peithecelt 28

raids are important, I respect that.. but not in the face of major days with your partner... if your guild leader can't schedule raids better, they need to be replaced. or your man needs a spine... one or the other.