By PeepShow - 06/08/2009 06:04 - United States

Today, it was just too hot. I stripped down and, being home alone, pranced around nude, lip synching and playing air guitar to some music. I was getting really into when I opened my eyes and looked out the window to see an old man with binoculars on his terrace. He wasn't birdwatching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 274
You deserved it 47 066

Same thing different taste

Top comments

homedoggieo 0

lol technically he was.... but in all seriousness, FYL for having an overly observant old neighbour


You helped the fossil draw wood for the first time in 30 years

ultraslick 0

I love when women are this naive. Guys will spend thousands of dollars on telescopes for the chance to peep in on a woman in a t-shirt.

ebisu91 3

did he talk pic of u could i have 1 I hope ur hot

You should have just stared at him and made sexual faces. Either he'd freak and quit or come over to marry you haha!

i was thinking the same thing #62. herbert is gay though. but yeah YDI for not having blinds but i still agree fyl cuz your neighbor shouldnt be peeping. especially someone of his old age.

good_life35 0

i'm not gonna say YDI b/c it's true, dancing naked has to be one of the funnest things to do; but if you didn't think about closing your windows, why the **** were you dancing in front of it, you didn't deserve it, but you kinda asked for it.

Ever heard the term "naked as a jaybird"? Yeah. He was birdwatching. (:

I'm going to have to say FYL - because silly or not for not closing the shades, having the windows cleared is NOT an invitation for the neighbors to peer in to see what is going on inside.

If she has the right to jiggle her junk in front of the window, then then dude has the right to point his binoculars from inside his own home.

ohshitcock 0

always make sure that the window shades are down first common! common sense lady.