Have kid they said, it'll be great they said

By Anonymous - 24/09/2021 02:00

Today, my son is a real ass. My mother died and he literally only booked off half a day to attend his own grandmother's funeral, doesn’t plan to spend time with me after the burial, and since he booked it, all he has done is complain about the three meetings he’s going to miss that morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 458
You deserved it 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He must really love meetings! People who love meetings tend to go far, so he'll be able to give you an expensive funeral, and maybe he'll even attend if he can squeeze you in between meetings. He might just email a nice PowerPoint eulogy to the funeral home.

My heart goes out to you. My mom died just over a year ago and I was not prepared for the emotional tsunamis that hit me. I'm an only child of only children so I didn't have any relatives to turn to. Sometimes, you have to cultivate your own family of "choice" when the family of "chance" let's you down.


He must really love meetings! People who love meetings tend to go far, so he'll be able to give you an expensive funeral, and maybe he'll even attend if he can squeeze you in between meetings. He might just email a nice PowerPoint eulogy to the funeral home.

My heart goes out to you. My mom died just over a year ago and I was not prepared for the emotional tsunamis that hit me. I'm an only child of only children so I didn't have any relatives to turn to. Sometimes, you have to cultivate your own family of "choice" when the family of "chance" let's you down.

diraven 15

Spank him and send him to bed without dessert

He probably would just jump on a Zoom meeting in there!

OMG! I actually LOL'd while eating breakfast at McDonald's.....I just about spit my drink out too when I read this counter-comment you replied with...thanks for the great laugh...needed it....can't actually remember the last time I laughed like this.....YOU ROCK!!! You probably didn't even plan on your comment getting a whole lot of reaction like mine but it helped finally bring me out of the long depressed funk I've been in

Vesi 29

I wonder if this is a "Cat's in the Cradle" situation.. good luck. I just lost my mom 9 months ago so.. you look out for you.

Could us a bit more context before judging the kid. The parent and grandmother might have been total assholes to the son their whole life up to this point. Or those meetings could be extremely important to the son's career and missing them may have a significantly negative impact on his work and life going forward.

The first part I can understand that. The second part not at all!

Nobody owes you their time, not even family. Make yourself worth their time, and make them worth your time, and you'll find they make time. Sounds like he doesn't have time for you in general, which is likely a reflection of how he was raised.