By PeepShow - 06/08/2009 06:04 - United States

Today, it was just too hot. I stripped down and, being home alone, pranced around nude, lip synching and playing air guitar to some music. I was getting really into when I opened my eyes and looked out the window to see an old man with binoculars on his terrace. He wasn't birdwatching. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 274
You deserved it 47 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

homedoggieo 0

lol technically he was.... but in all seriousness, FYL for having an overly observant old neighbour


why are you prancing around nude? wouldn't you still be hot, even if you are naked? YDI

ok-the people with really stupid comments are called trolls. they are just looking for attention so just leave them alone.

For some reason that reminds me of the creepy old neighboor from family guy!

Gingerly 0

I'm so sick of these "I'm a moron so I'm gonna rip my clothing of with absolutely no awareness of my surroundings" FML's. Stop being dumb and close your damn blinds.

when me and my girl lived in KY, every single time i went to her house there were people straight across from her window that had sex for like 2 hours very loudly with the windows open, so one day we decided to yell comments across the yard, when we got to 'Ride that fat ass!!!' he pulled out and got a gun and shot at us, that same moment he had his ****** so he ended up missing her house completely and wasting his ****** we were LMFFAO YDI

he WAS birdwatching. a tit is a breed of bird. lol!

Lol 67 ... and I got the birdwatching joke and I'm American. I will refer to chicks as birds if I want! [ahem] OP, YDI for not pulling down the blinds. Seriously, what the hell.

YDI. If it was too hot, go in the pool. Who strips down and prances around their house? Seriously, that's gross, and it's just ASKING to be watched by a creepy neighbor. Anyway, curtains are a wonderful investment.

technically he was birdwatching...because he spotted a nice pair of hooters :D

tpag3r 0