The gays

By kolgate - 15/02/2012 10:12 - United States

Today, I called my grandmother to wish her a happy Valentine's Day. She asked me if I had a date lined up. I didn't, and before I could explain why, she responded with, "Well, maybe all the other gays went on vacation!" Thanks Grandma, I'm not gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 691
You deserved it 3 164

Same thing different taste

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Imdead 0

Nice, I know how you feel. I'm 22 and single, so my grandmother is certain that I'm gay. I think it's kind of funny actually.

yea but guys and he's a guy so it still implies gay


lol What!? Maybe she said "Well, maybe all the (other) guys went on vacation!"?

yea but guys and he's a guy so it still implies gay

that still wouldnt have to do anything with valentine #1

#2, it could have something to do with Valentine's Day. Like, if everyone else went on vacation, that would explain why the submitter didn't have a date.

Imdead 0

Nice, I know how you feel. I'm 22 and single, so my grandmother is certain that I'm gay. I think it's kind of funny actually.

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Ah, gotta love the generation that got married at 14 and any later is proof of gayness!

haha grand moms still have a sense of humor!

Mannerheim 0

Dude, number nine is the number one funniest guy on this site. There is something about ******* your grandmother that just makes me squeal with giddy laughter. And another thing, my parents think I'm gay, but what they don't know is I only don't show them the girls I date, cause none of them have ever been white AND attractive at the same time!

i wish i had a abuela like that aka grandma