By poorgary - 18/12/2008 11:46 - France

Today, it's my birthday. It's 6.30 pm. I'm still the only person aware of what day it is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 820
You deserved it 2 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I_Suck_At_Life 0

I think you need a bbbiiiiiiggg hug. *Hug!* Happeh Birthday! <3333 #1 #2 #3 #5 #6 =)

lexxi_fml 0

maybe a surprise party is around the corner?


I_Suck_At_Life 0

I think you need a bbbiiiiiiggg hug. *Hug!* Happeh Birthday! <3333 #1 #2 #3 #5 #6 =)

thatoneguy347 0

too bad this was written at 6:46 am

swimmin_diva 0

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! a bit late.... &gt;&lt; haha ur not the only one

Happy birthday to you, you live in a shoe, you look like a donkey, aaaaaand you smell like one too!

lexxi_fml 0

maybe a surprise party is around the corner?

We have the same birthday. what are the chances this happened to me on the exact same day?

Blah it's by 18th birthday soon... and my parents want to me to throw a huge party... FUCKKK! lolz... ur lucky... oh well ima get a shitload of cash out of it :P

farsidee 0


bill599 0

same happened to me on 4/12... it hurts, doesn't it? @17 - no, we're not lucky. at all.