By birthday blues - 08/11/2016 19:15 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. The only time people have contacted me is to ask who I voted for. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 602
You deserved it 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"So, who'd you vote for?" "Happy." "Happy who?" "Birthday." "Happy Birthday? W—" "Thanks! You're the first to say that!"

Yourself. You wrote your name in on the ballot and checked it. It's your own little birthday gift to you.


Yourself. You wrote your name in on the ballot and checked it. It's your own little birthday gift to you.

Happy birthday! I hope you're enjoying the apocalypse.

LostInTheZone11 29

Happy Birthday to my fellow Scorpio then. Mine is on Veteran's Day.

So, who did you vote for? If you voted for the wrong candidate: Thank you for murdering America. You ruined democracy, you ******* prick! If you voted for the right candidate: My heartiest best wishes for you to have a wonderful year. All my personal best!

There is no wrong or right, it's all a matter of opinion.

"So, who'd you vote for?" "Happy." "Happy who?" "Birthday." "Happy Birthday? W—" "Thanks! You're the first to say that!"

DUDE SAME HERE xD even my mom and bros forgot about my birthday lol

happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday to you

Happy happy birthday! I sing this song to you! I wish it were my birthday! So I could party too! Woo! ?

ForeverJasmine 26