By Time to study again - 08/11/2017 15:00

Today, I was taking the SAT and feeling really confident in my answers. When we were close to finishing, some idiot pulled the fire alarm. All of us have to retake it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 654
You deserved it 222

Same thing different taste

Top comments

on the bright side, more study time and the person who pulled it usually gets a big fine if there isn't an emergency.

“Today, I was taking the SAT and feeling really terrible about my answers. When we were close to finishing, I had the genius idea to pull the fire alarm, so all of us have to retake it! ****, I’m brilliant!”


on the bright side, more study time and the person who pulled it usually gets a big fine if there isn't an emergency.

Zachary8261 28

At least you get more study time and likely more correct answers.

OP studied so hard and it is very stressful. He was also very confident with his answers, and now he doesn't know what he's going to do. I would feel the same way if I was OP.

“Today, I was taking the SAT and feeling really terrible about my answers. When we were close to finishing, I had the genius idea to pull the fire alarm, so all of us have to retake it! ****, I’m brilliant!”

Not so brilliant when the puller has to pay a fine for there not being a legitimate emergency.

Btw, I get it's a joke. I'm adding to the fact that they won't be thinking this when they're informed of their stupidity.

arioch_fml 20

Wow that sucks Op, you were on fire and someone just had to ruin it. Well hopefully they didn't change the test too much, at least that way it might still ring a bell when you take it again, good luck.