By nrelavender - 26/05/2011 02:48 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 01/07/2013 16:10 - United States - Provo
The disrespect
By Anonymous - 20/07/2021 11:01
By jf29 - 31/01/2009 00:49 - United States
By jnr1234 - 20/06/2012 02:15 - United States - Princeton
By Username - 01/05/2014 10:33 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/10/2024 22:00 - United States - Newark
By Birthday girl - 06/01/2013 05:59 - United States - Wahpeton
By lizzy1843 - 26/01/2011 14:48 - United States
Fatal decision
By juliette - 07/02/2015 05:13 - United States - Astoria
By Anonymous - 07/04/2011 07:11 - United Kingdom
Top comments
Wow... YDI for actuallly burying your cat in a pet cemetery. I thought those only existed in Stephen King novels. That's just weird and slightly pathetic. Also, not only did you remember the exact date of your cat's death, but you went to visit it's grave on it's anniversary. Good lord, you're going to die alone. Yep, I'm calling it.
Wow, were you born an a-hole, or did it happen recently?
23 - OP could have had that cat for years for all we know. either way, pets become part of the family and your heart. my cat was stolen a few years ago and I was worried day and night if she was being abused or not. it doesn't meant you're crazy (although the pet cemetery might be a little much, I'd honestly burry it in my back yard, but to each his own) it means you have a heart.
#23 is right
I don't think anybody deserves this.
31 I definitely understand what you're saying but I feel that OP has gone way above and beyond the normal response to a pet's death and therefore is a lonely, odd-ball recluse. Ironically enough, the cat that my family has owned and loved for 17 years had just died last week after living a full life. I enjoyed having it as a pet but I am in no way going to celebrate him in his death like OP has gone out of her way to do. It's a pet cat, it's not a sibling for Christ's sake! Hell, it's not even a dog! OP needs to let it go and not be an allstar creepster about it.
Wow 23, your just a **** arnt ya! Pets become part of peoples family and losing them is hard. Sometimes even harder than losing a human relative as you see your pet EVERY day! I have MANY friends and will NOT die alone, but yet I remember when my cat was put to sleep. The day, the month and the time! Actually its 4 months 2moro. Cause my cat was not only my baby, he SAVED my life. So before you judge someone! Ohhh, and YOU WILL die alone... Im sure of it.
P.S. I cremated my cat. Hes on a shelf in my room. May be weird but people do what they feel is right. And sorry, didn't know you were Jesus with all your judging.
I would rather pple cremate their pets than bury them, just to prevent contamination.
54 you need to calm down babe. I have a feeling you've misjudged those people around you as your friends when it seems, in fact, that they're just afraid of upsetting you for fear that you'll just go on a ridiculous rant like your display above. And I could have guessed that an emotionally unstable, physically awkward woman such as yourself would, in fact, have their cat's ashes on a shelf in their room. Just because your cat helped you get passed your depression as a young child caused by your social inadequacies stated previously doesn't mean you need to defend it's honor when nothing was said about it. Now quietly go cry in the corner while repeating your cat's name like you do every other day.
I agree with 23. Yeah we understand that you had a cat and you loved it a lot but it's a cat. It's not normal to remember the very hour your cat died the go visit it's grave at that time. I wouldn't even thing about doing anything that you did, OP. Truth is, is that you just need to grow up and get over it.
23-27-32- for one **** you. and two how is it pathetic to bury your cat in a cemetery? your saying just pick the dead cat up and chuck it to the side of the road? thats messed up but since you don't seem to care much for things getting buried how bout when you die I'll do you a favor and dig you up and throw you on the side of the road. that sound good with you?
I can explain why a dog is more worthy than a cat. 1. dog is mans best friend 2. your dog will come to u when u call it's name 3. you can teach a dog tricks 4. a dog can guard ur house 5. dogs can catch criminals 6. dogs can rescue people I could probably go on and on as to why a dog is more worthy than a cat.
*cough* well in answer to your list. My cat comes when I call My cat knows tricks (he fetches) The cat is more loving and more worthy of the "best friend" thingy than the dog I had was. A pet cat my grandfather has woke him up by scratching when the bedroom was on fire So he may not guard my house or catch burglers but thats what alarms are for. Cats are as worthy as dogs and there are plenty instances of cats rescuing owners, not just my example. You can train a cat to do many things but they are more independant and too small to be rescue animals.
well i disagree i think cats are better here are my reasons -after a while they do come when you call them -cleaner -easier to hug -not that noisy -a lot more intelligent -they can be taught tricks too -if they sleep with you, you won't die of dehidratation because of how hot the bed got this list is coming from a person eho has cats and lost his dog a week ago
115, your comment is completely invalid. My cat is plenty of peoples best friend, most loving cat in the world if she knows you. As soon as you call her she comes to you. If I tell her to quit being lazy and go hunt, she'll go and hunt until she catches something. She doesn't use a litter box, she'll ask to go outside. If you're not supposed to be in the house or yard, she will attack until you leave or someone tells her to stop. And she caught the guy who was stealing bottles and cans from the shed in my yard. Cats are intelligent and if you take the time to teach them they're even faster to train than a dog I find. And no, I'm not a huge cat lover, I much prefer dogs.
115 please shut your mouth. i trained my cat to come to me when i say his name and rub my fingers together. who cares if dog is "man best friend". Dogs are more common then cats, but it doesnt mean they are better. also, my cat beat the living shit out of a dog. also, dogs have to go through alot of training to be able to catch criminals. Dogs dont always "save the day" either, sometimes they jsut sit there. cats catch mice and all that crap, as well as they dont make a huge mess and can defend themselves. meaning you can let them outside, and they will come back. cats know how to fend for themselves. cats are also more flufffy and furry and nice to have around, sometimes, dogs just get in te way or annoy you. if you care for your cat well, it wont scratch you. they only scratch you if you deserve it. im a guy and i have a cat. yes i have a dog as well and they both deserve a proper burial. i could go on and on about how wrong you are.
shes right, u are an ass. leave her alone she's young and ur harsh as!
says the loser
it's hard to think u know nething about animals since the dog in ur photo has flat ears. for a German Shepard that means u ****** with it's ears when it was very young meaning ur dog doesn't look like a normal German Shepard just coz u don't know shit bout dogs n ****** up congratz!
comment 1 is for 23 comment 2 is for the wankers who r telling this person that they don't give a funk bout their cat an comment 3 is for that duche 145
68, I don't care what your beliefs are, but if YOU don't want to be the one who dies alone, keep your comments to yourself
wow pathetic. I don't get why people do that. why would you drop like a grand to burry your cat in a "pet cemetery" when you can walk into the back yard and burry the ugly sob there. I'm not heartless I love animals I just don't see any logic coming from it. I loved my dog but I didn't take him to no pet cemetery I put him somewhere he would of wanted to be not some place that's a sham to make money from dumb people like op
82: Wow. You really are an ass. My depression that I do infact have was caused by being sexually molested for 17 and a half years starting at the young age of 6. You jerk. My friends are actually my friends and care a lot. You wouldnt know cause you dont have any... Unstable? Im more stable than you and pretty sure Ive been through more shit than you ever been through.
well monkeys r way better :)
104: At the time I thought it was the best desicion. Hes on a shelf til I can spread his ashes.
172: I bet you think its ok to shoot a dying cat in the head and bury it rather than taking it to the vet to be put down so you can save money? True story. People do that. Sick people.
By the way whoever said I have no real friends, why dont you ask Steven Tylers youngest daughter that. Shes one of my closest friends.
yea I actually did but spending 12 cents to cleanly shoot a cat in the head is a hell of a lot better then me driving an hour into town to find a vet to pay to do the same thing I just did except with a needle. you dumb **** don't tell me what's right and wrong for putting down an animal when you don't know anything to start out with.
54- 23 is a **** and ur fat, nobody's perfect ;)
115, im a dog person and i honestly dont like cats that much, but saying cats arent worthy of being burried is just stupid. cat people can list reasons as to why cats are better then dogs.
if you love your pet its not pathetic to want to bury it in a pet cemetery or remember when it died. and about the "dogs are better" "cats are better" argument. you can fight all you want it's you're opinion so don't insult people for liking something. obviously I love my cat and I would want to bury it either in my backyard unless I was planning on moving then id bury it in a cemetery. and you know what? I have tons of friends and even a boyfriend. Nothing wrong with loving a pet you concider a family member.
--- bottom line OP--- you didn't deserve to have this done to you.. I'm truly sorry someone vandalized something that meant a lot to you. I don't care wether it was a cat, dog, bird, hamster- it was something that you loved - and no one deserves that. If I were there- I would help you clean it off.
@55 you're judging him too maybe he got assaulted by a cat? you don't know stupid christian
Wow, people are so heartless these days.
wow, people are making up colorful stories these days..
You chose this FML to post that on.... haha this FML is actually believable.
Thats part of the reason I got my cat cremated. sorry for your loss OP. Our cats have the same death aniversary. :(
sorry i laughed on this 1 but do love cats too
*but i do love cats too
lol 14 you got moderated
284 and 290, being assholes on FML shows you both must really be losers outside the Internet world. Maybe this cat got her through tough times. Sometimes pets are more of a reliable companion than a human. Did it ever occur to you that people have feelings? Wouldn't you be sad if your pet of many years died and someone pulled that stunt on you?
Well?! Does your car suck?!
I hope to God you don't reproduce.
thats rediculous! ofcourse people are going to love their animals, its people like you that make me sick for not even caring!
ummm there is nothing wrong with that.
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I think it's safe to assume they didn't leave flowers.
aww that's so mean! Dont take it personally. It was probably some punk kid trying to be funny. sorry for your loss
why did u put a grave stone anyways?
It's a cat!! Buy another one n' shut up.
why do people always wish death of loved one on animal death FML's.... really now
whatsup with white people and they're cats?
Plot Twist: The cat rose from the dead and, out of anger that OP now has another cat, wrote that the new cat sucks on the only tablet he could find.
when your cat rises out of that pet cemetery and goes after them, they'll be sorry
Hell ya! damn straight!
write on his grave
yea dude write on a grave thats not there dumb ****
79- Uhh let's see. People die. Dumb ****.
you are both retarded it dun matter if he died or not if they don't know who vandalized it dumbfucks
or just kill him then do it :P it'd be funnier to piss on his grave now that a think about it.
*you're and don't be a jerk
All cats do suck! They're filthy nasty animals.
i have a cat and dogs and the cat is soo annoying meows nonstop and scratches up our furniture
my dog has a designared ******** spot in our house which is kinda sad,. but other then the one they both behave well
133 And not all cats miaow constantly and scratch furniture. All cats and dogs have unique personalities, likewise of a human. You cannot base your opinion of an animal of one occurance. I have a dog and two cats and I adore them all but I like cats better in general. Usually, they are easier to take care of and I being a lazy person, like it.
on one occurance*
I see a new group of crazy cat ladies trying to spread their wings on FML. hahaha cats are nasty. All cats even the hairless ones shed dander and or hair every where and their piss is toxic.
Dogs shed too, dumbass. Answer me this: Why is it that apparently there is nothing wrong with being obsessed with a dog, calling it best friend, running through fields and taking baths with it, etc., but anyone who finds comfort and friendship in a fuzzy little cat is considered a batshit crazy loner ****? Regardless of what some of you say, there is no REAL difference between a cat and a dog in terms of being an animal friend that you care for and love.
Pet War!!! seriously why are you guys dissing eachothers K-9 and Felines. all animals are different. this site is supposed to be fun not a debate
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Show it anywayThe **** is wrong with you?
#342 I feel like you we're never hugged as a child
Pet Sematery.. Your cat must have done something after death.
iLazy? more like iStupid. BURRRRNNNN!! *puts sunglasses on* aha jk. But really, you're spelling and grammar is atrocious.
Wait.. No grammar, just the spelling of 'Cemetery'. But let me guess, you was referencing some movie? *hangs head in shame for questioning your ability*
iliketurdles is an idiot.
FYI... *are* should follow "spelling and grammar" not *is*
You're supposed to put sunglasses on before the punch... epic failureness.
is that show even on anymore?

Wow, people are so heartless these days.
when your cat rises out of that pet cemetery and goes after them, they'll be sorry