By limping - 24/01/2014 23:10 - Canada

Today, in revenge for being grounded for bullying a kid at school, my eight-year-old son flung a handful of Lego in my path as I walked barefoot into the kitchen. I'm still in pain. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 46 678
You deserved it 9 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That kid is brutal! Definitely deserves an old fashioned spanking for that

I think you may need to read that again


Did anybody else notice how the end says 5ML?

you were in so much pain that you wrote 5 instead of F

Am I the only one that noticed that instead of FML in the end it says 5ML?

you have raised a tyrant :( get counselling, op there is no shame in getting help when your kid turns into a brat because of discipline-less parenting, we always want to give our kids what we didn't have..

put a note on his door that says, lets play a little game. leave him with that note for a few days then late at night set an early loud alarm for him in the morning on the other side of the room and lay down a lego mat ofpain while he rushes to turn it off all startled. or alternatively put the little **** in boot camp for 12 months to learn some manners.

jade3424 21

Your kid sounds like an asshole.