By limping - 24/01/2014 23:10 - Canada

Today, in revenge for being grounded for bullying a kid at school, my eight-year-old son flung a handful of Lego in my path as I walked barefoot into the kitchen. I'm still in pain. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 46 678
You deserved it 9 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That kid is brutal! Definitely deserves an old fashioned spanking for that

I think you may need to read that again


You raised the little bastard, try disciplining him sometime! YDI

abylaunch 10

No one should have to suffer that pain. Sorry OP for your little devill~

This is a simple solution. I would throwout the Legos (or give them to goodwill). If you can behave in my house with your toys then one of them has to go and I love you, so goodbye legos!

Please tell me you tanned that child's behind.

DeathBunny8 9

I'm questioning how you stepped on more than one... After the first one you could have just picked them up or swept them out of the way.. Or had the child do so.