By Anonymous - 23/03/2013 23:47 - United States

Today, the kids I babysit hid from me. While I was looking for them, I stepped on multiple strategically-placed Lego bricks. When I yelped from the pain, the kids jumped out and threw soccer balls in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 190
You deserved it 5 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think these kids may have watched Home Alone one too many times...

lautturi 2

Nothing worse than stepping on Legos. Why not strategically place Lego to get them back?


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iLike2Teabag 27

"Getting paid well" after taking balls to the face. Hmm....

Spike their food with sleeping medicine and let them wake up bald. Tell their parents they did it to themselves when you were cleaning a mess they made.

lautturi 2

Nothing worse than stepping on Legos. Why not strategically place Lego to get them back?

Not to take away from OP's moment but I once stood on a full row of staples. The worst part was pulling them out. FYL, OP, get a bag of lollies, eat them in front of them and tease those kids!

Why not just wear shoes in the house?

In some places, it's considered rude to wear shoes indoors. Also, some people don't like people wearing shoes in their homes because it gets inside dirty.

I think it's kind of gross to wear shoes indoors. You track dirt from outside all over the place, not to mention germs of whatever you might have stepped on that day. The worst is when people wear shoes on their beds/other furniture!

And the Lego bricks strike again..

Smokingweenies 3
Grootensliven 10
420Zombie 17

a genious is slang for 'a person who looks up words they don't know on Google'

I've never heard of a genious. I know what a genius is. ;)

Ew kids ew Them legos burn like a thousand suns thats for sure.

420Zombie 17

*looks at comment, shakes head in disappointment *

I think these kids may have watched Home Alone one too many times...

FarFromSocial 9

Wow, talk about baby sitting budding evil little geniuses!

crackmore278 13

You can unlock those in Call of Recess : Elementary Warfare 3. VERY effective.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Lie and the ground and fake groaning in pain. Once they hopefully come near you, grab them and tape them up. Then proceed to eat their chocolate pudding. By now, you will have shown them who's the boss and they will forever follow your orders. You're welcome OP.

easyprey 8

Just stop them before they worship you as a god, or start building shrines in the backyard to commemorate your power.