By MissCan'tKeepAJob - 23/08/2011 16:18 - United States

Today, I work by myself at a retail store and I was bored so I called my boyfriend. I woke him up and he was feeling frisky, and as things were getting heated I started to moan and say dirty things. Until the entire rack of clothes fell over and revealed my boss hiding. He had a boner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 119
You deserved it 57 542

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chinosurferchick 5

Maybe your boss will give you a raise

perdix 29

If he tipped over the rack with his boner, you may want to trade in your boyfriend and move up to doing middle management.


RedPillSucks 31

I'm sure her boss is hoping she does.

What can I say they were really gettin me it on so I hid in the clothes rack

Surely you should be able to keep this job.After all,the boss was spying on you.If he fires you,you can get him in trouble too.Sexual harassment.

No she can't because she was having phone sex at work not his fault

leilei614 11

@bullrider92 : having phone sex at work is not appropriate. And I'm not sure you could legally call listening to the conversation "sexual harassment" as the OP was in a public place and therefore had no expectation of privacy. But I'm no lawyer. Just my opinion.

But it is his fault that he did not immediatly stop it,instead hiding and getting aroused by it.

calbabe96 5

Now, if it was just the two of them & she offered, her user name might be a bit different

leadman1989 15

"As it turns out theres nonprivacy in public. Infact your privacy is invading on our public" Cookies for everyone that gets it :)

djhenderson 0

Ur Fml made my day I was having the worst day ever now I can't stop laughing

perdix 29

Is your name Moammar, by any chance? He seems to be having a really shitty day today.

talkstoomuch 8

I'm so wet thinking about this, make me want to call my guy and touch myself

I'm guessing you are guy who got his picture from google, who is making this comment just for atention and a failed attempt at trolling

what if a customer had walked in? I hope you never get another job. There are people out there who deserve jobs; you aren't one of them.

talkstoomuch 8

At some jobs, bosses don't care if you use your phone especially if you have nothing to do. It's not that big of deal. You made it out to be such a big deal

145 - It does look unprofessional though. Granted, I use my phone during downtime at work and no one's ever complained... I even asked my manager whether I could use it or not and he doesn't care what I do as long as the work gets done. My job is not like other jobs though; I've worked at some where you get written up for even having your phone on the floor, not even looking at it. Most jobs find it unacceptable but there is the odd exception to that rule.

lorenzoman77 7

Does anyone else ever add the thumbs up to there reply/comment to be like "mom! Someone likes my reply!" "aww that's great honey your making friends." "yea it is." ? I don't..